"Silly, you and your fiancé have been planning this for months." Who the heck is my fiancé?

The girl in front of me finished curling my hair, and started on my makeup. When she was done, she held out a hanger with a dress cover.

Wedding dress.

"I'm not getting married." I spit, looking at the thing in disgust. "Especially if my Dad forced me into doing this."

The girl glared at me. "But you love Andrew. Why would you want to back out now? You have been planning this for ages!"

Andrew? Who's Andrew? I don't know an Andrew!

I pushed the dress away from me. "Get it away from me."

All the girls slowed down to a stop. "There's no need to be a party pooper."

The one holding the dress shouted my Dad. He came in only wearing half of his suit.

"Cassandra, what are you doing?" He growled.

My name isn't Cassandra! I wanted to shout. Was it really that hard to call me Cassie or Cassidy?

Apparently so.

"I'm not getting married." I say shakily. I knew this was going to end in a fight. It's going to be one of the biggest fights ever.

"Girls, can I speak to my daughter alone for a minute?" He asks sweetly, and his nice exterior vanishes when the last girl leaves.

"Put on the dress." He ordered. I didn't move. He stormed over to me and leaned close. "You are not making me look like an idiot today. You are going to marry that man, one way or another."

He shouts for one of the girls and they both got me to wear the damn dress. I'm sure I've ruined the hair by now.

The girl leaves and its just my Dad again.

You are not making me look like an idiot.

A thought popped in to my head: this isn't real. You don't have to be scared of Daddy and his anger. This. Isn't. Real.

Even in my so-called pregnant state, I pulled my arm back and swung my fist to his face.

The room changed.

I was in my dorm room, just had a nice shower and I stepped out nearly walking into Peter.

"Oh, it's you." I hissed. At least I was feeling more like myself than earlier.

"I know you didn't come from Candor. I would have seen you!" Peter snapped. "How did you do it? How did you suddenly appear out of the blue wearing Candor clothes?"

I tightened the towel around me. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you ever so kindly leave? I have training to attend." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's your stuff, isn't it?" He said as I walked away.

I stopped dead. My heart pounding. "No. Nothing of what they've found is mine, Peter."

They've found the bag?

"Do you know how much I can tell you're lying to me, Cassie?" Peter hissed my name with venom.

"I am not lying." I lied. Why didn't I say I was lying? He knew it. I knew it. Why am I lying?

He isn't trustworthy and I'd be dead as soon as the Dauntless Leaders find out.

"We both know you're lying." Peter said pointedly. "Tell me, is that stuff yours?"

The only way to stop your fear going on is to face it, or calm my heart beat enough for it to be done.

The latter was not going to happen: my heart was break dancing in my throat.

"Fine, you caught me. I'm lying." I said tiredly. "And what are you going to do, spread the gossip like a little girl?"

Peter gave me the biggest grin. "I don't need to."

I span around to find five Dauntless Leaders: Max, Four, Eric and two others I didn't know.

I didn't want to hear the words, but they came loud and clear. Loud enough to send me deaf.

"Kill her."

Still need suggestions for a nickname for you guyyyss!!! Comment or inbox me!

Or I can call yoouu..... Mrs. Eric!

As normal, comment, vote and fan!


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