Chapter 3: The Stonehenge Calling

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As excepted Arcee was welcomed into the Autobot base with open arms by most of the young mechs, but not all of them for they were true gentle bots with partners already back on Cybertron, the Dinobots were kinda freaked out by how she was a female and so they just stayed away for the time being which she found funny as they acted like robo-cats seeing a cucumber for the first time. The femme was happy to be among new friends and allies, but they kept on flirting, expressing their dominance and treating like a delicate glass rose, she felt belittled by them and she has talked to Optimus about these feelings and he has talked to the others about it and they have eased off a bit until she feels more comfortable. The only bots she could hang out with was the ones she travelled with, which was mostly Springer, he's okay but Arcee just couldn't fully be herself yet around him or anyone else and so she goes out to train by herself in one of the spare rooms of the base.

Sometimes her thoughts went back to a single memory in the past that she can't remove from her data banks, she remembers a mech telling her that she needed to be more assertive with herself in world full of aftholes or else she'll fall behind as a sexually harassed secretary, it's sad but true.
He was the first in her life that didn't treat her like a doll and so she changed her life for the better from that day forward all because of him, even though it was only a one time encounter. But unfortunately her past was then clouded with gun shots and screams, during that period she was badly wounded on the battle field after her training with Cliff-jumper in the academy, therefore her memory banks had to be re-wired and the face of the mech is now blurred out whenever she thinks about him, thankfully though she can still remember his rough but sweet voice. Arcee still hopes to this day that he's alright.

"Arcee please report to the main room" her thoughts were interrupted by Jazz's voice over the comm link and she headed there immediately after recomposing herself from doing a cart wheel that formed into a series of backflips and kicks in the air along with several punches at the non-existent enemies.
Once everyone was gathered in the main room Optimus briefed them on what was happening.
"Now that everyone is here, the Decepticons are on the move towards England where there is a rapidly growing energy radiating from the Stonehenge monument again. We stopped them before but this time the magical energy is unstable and it will destroy itself and the secret place of human culture." Optimus explained while showing images of the holy place in question, Arcee couldn't help but to Aww at how the structure was built. "We must travel to Salisbury in England now before it is too late" Optimus said then called out the name of those who are going on this mission. "Jazz, Cliff-jumper, Bumblebee, Warpath, Power-glide and Iron-hide let's go we must get there before the Decepticons do and Skyfire will be taking us there" They all headed towards the door but then Arcee ran up to Optimus before he could reach the exit.
"Optimus please let me go with you on this mission, I can't just sit here do nothing" she pleaded with big blue eyes, he thought about it then nodded his head, he knew that she was constantly restless around the ship for the passed three days and this was her chance to prove that she wasn't just a helpless damsel that everyone thought she was.
"Yes Arcee you can come with us" he said and she smiled in return then followed them to the front entrance, where Skyfire was waiting for them patiently.

Starscream grumbled in ignorance as he stood impatiently behind Megatron, the seeker was in a sour mood while the megalomaniac was brattling on about how he will suck all of the energy out of the Stonehenge's by using a special hand held device in the shape of a golden orb called the harvester that was suddenly created out of no where and then use that power to take over the entire universe, blah blah blah blah. That sort of stuff and then it ends with a maniacal laugh. You know how it is and so it was the moody seeker's queue to say something witty about his leader's consistent plan, honestly Starscream felt bored and so he said in his high pitched voice.
"But Megatron how many times have we tried this sort of plan before and it actually succeeds this time?" He said with little enthusiasm.
"It Will work this time Starscream, because by using this devise we can absorb the Stonehenge's unlimited power and then—" Megatron was then rudely interrupted by Starscream purposely yawning out loud that made that his master very angry as he balled up his fist in front of him.
"*Big Yawn!* oh I'm sorry, were you repeating the same plan of what happened the last time we were on a mission and then fought against the Autobots and lost" the red and blue jet was pushing so many buttons as he watched his leader grinding his teeth together in pure anger, and so he decided to push him harder just for his own amusement. "Face it Megatron every time we do something like this the Autobots are always there to defeat us with these predictable plans of yours"
"Starscream, you are treading on very thin ice right now if you don't shut your trap!" Megatron ordered but the seeker just kept on going.
"Everything we do right now will just end in failure if you don't come up with something original against the enemy" just before he could continue onto the whole speech about why he should be leader, Megatron then suddenly grabbed Starscream by the throat and slammed him against the nearest Stonehenge, it should've been over in the process due to there large sizes, but it merely shook and cracked on impact. Starscream fell short of breath as he desperately clawed at Megatron's hand tightly wrapped around his neck cables. The rest of the decepticons warriors Sound-wave, Ram-jet, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Astro-train and Blitz-wing were just standing there not doing anything to help the pitiful seeker who clearly pushed it way to far this time.
"If you don't stop flapping your gums at me about everything I do, I will tear out your tongue and continue to beat you with it until you have finally learn your place" the white and grey warmonger threatened the quivering second in commander, Starscream struggled to fight back, but he had no choice but to submit and then he was dropped to the ground harshly and to be more of an afthole Megatron then kicked Starscream in the stomach making the seeker scream in pain. A moment passed and Starscream shakily pushed himself off the ground to weakly look up at his master for fake forgiveness.
"*cough, cough, cough*please forgive me master I-" He pleaded but every word he said made his vocal cords scratch against each other painfully, he had to tenderly rub his aching neck cables while coughing violently to somehow ease the stress. Megatron just stepped back without saying a word and was about to walk over to Soundwave until Starscream said something with a very weak apologetic expression while standing back up, using the wall for support. "I was merely *cough* giving some advice*cough, cough* for you to think about my lord *cough* after all don't you remember what happened the last time I was here, I was transported into a different dimension" he stood up to his full height once his spinal strut was popped back into place "the magic could be too powerful to control"
"You if don't shut up right now I will—"
"You'll what!? Continuously threaten me with every insult in the book or are you going to do it this time Megatron, because honestly I'm bored of being called stupid" the high pitched jet delivered his thoughts out to the world but Megatron didn't care and pointed the golden orb at Starscream and activated it, upon activation the orb popped out a crossed and shot out a blue beam, luckily Screamer immediately jumped out of the way in just time as the laser shot straight into the open cracks of the stone, suddenly all of the stones began to glow bright rainbow colours as it was being drained.
"Muahahahaha!!! Yes it's working and soon the power will be mine!!!" Megatron yelled out in "triumph?" As they all watched in amusement at how the magical energy was easily being taken but Starscream had a feeling that something was terrible wrong and it wasn't the oncoming Autobots approaching them, no it was difficult for him to properly understand what was going on with the magic.
"Megatron! You evil deed ends now!" Optimus shouted out in a dramatic pose with his gun in his right hand that was aimed directly at the warmonger but Megatron just cackled and replied with.
"Just try and stop me Optimus Prime. Decepticons attack!" And so the battle started with gun fire and hand to hand combat along with cheesy insults too.
Bumble was having a one on one with Thundercracker, both were shooting at each other cowboy style until Thundercracker came in with a sneak attack by transforming into jet mode then charged straight at the little yellow bug, but luckily bee dodged it and stood up quickly as the blue jet did a loopy loop in the air to try the same attack but bee jumped in time to land on top of the jet and shot him directly in the wings.
"I'm sorry, but this flight is cancelled for a crash landing!" Bee called out just before jumping off the jet while it was skidding across the floor and smashed into one of the stone walls. "Now that's what I call a terrible landing" Bumble bee teased as he landed on his two feet perfectly, "but I'm like a cat with nine lives"
On the other side of the field where Sound-wave was up against Jazz and Cliff-jumper, the dark blue bot then sent a powerful wave of noise with his shoulder cannon that only knocked over Cliff-jumper but Jazz countered it with his own loud tunes.
"It's time to make my own noise" Jazz said then popped out the speakers in his hands to point at Sound-wave and fired a electric guitar solo, making the con cover his audios.
"Good work Jazz, now let me take down this over sized trash can" Cliff-jumper then ran at full sprint towards Sound-wave but then he opened up his chest while saying.
"Rumble. Frenzy. Attack!"  The cassettes did as ordered and tackled the red Bumble bee wanna be to the ground and showered him with punches, Cliff had managed to pull off Frenzy and threw him to the side but Rumble wouldn't budge. Jazz saw what was going on then shot a small sound blast at Rumble that disoriented him for a second and Cliff threw a single hard punch of his own at the blue mini-con.
"Huh! These guys ain't so tough" Cliff-jumper said but then felt a loud rumble underneath his feet and he looked down to see a huge crack forming in the earth that was heading straight towards him. "Ah nuts ahhhhhh!" The red bot cried out as he immediately fell in. Thank Primus that Warpath had just finished up fight with Astro-train and slid across the grass and caught Cliff just in time by the wrist.
"PHEW!  THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE THERE LIL BUDDY, IF IT WASN'T FOR ME SAVING YOU YOU'D BE SCRAP BY NOW!" Said a very loud Warpath as he pulled Cliff-jumper out of the canyon and noticed that Jazz was in trouble, "DON'T WORRY JAZZ I GOT YOUR BACK, KAPLAM!!!" He then shot a hex nut from his chest cannon at Sound-wave that sent him flying across the field and then Jazz fired at the cassette twins, sending them flying too. "KAZOWY! BULLSEYE, THAT EARNS ME A POINT!" The loud mouth laughed with his hands on his hips.
"Yep it does Warpath, but I bet I can take down more deceti-bums than you both can" Cliff-jumper laughed too and ran off with Jazz and Warpath following behind him.
"Oh it's on now Cliff-jumper!" Jazz shouted as they charged head on at Astro-train and Blitz-wing.

Meanwhile in the sky above where Power-glide and Skywarp were locked in a dog fight of dangerous air stunts, right now Power-glide is chasing after the purple jet but the con just kept on teleporting out of the way of the shots.
"Quit movin' you flyin' pigeon rat!" Power-glide shouted as he tried to get a fix on the seeker, Skywarp just laughed and swirled around in a wide angle, he was trying to make the red A-10 thunderbolt plane waste his energy with the chase.
"Hahaha! what's the matter Power-glide am I too fast for you in the sky, do you need a granny nap!?" Skywarp laughed and did a high loopy loop then disappeared.
"did you really that I would fall for that trick!?" for a few seconds Power-glide then turned off his engines and fell just time as Skywarp reappeared and the red plane blasted on his jets so he was at the perfect angle to shot a heat signature missile. Skywarp cried out in pain as the missile got his engine boosters that sent him out of control and started falling to the surface, "and awaaaaaaaayyyyy he goes to trash town!" He then did a aerobatic barrel roll trick as a victory dance.

As the battle rages on both Optimus and Megatron were having there own battle while yelling at each other about what's good and bad, you know just the normal conversation between two opposite leaders of war. Meanwhile Starscream was struggling against Iron-hide as Star was hovering in the air within robot mode and shooting rapidly at the old bot with his arm blasters, but the hard impact he received before hand had damaged his equilibrium, so his aim was off by a lot but he managed to hit Iron-hide in the left hip side and chest plating causing him to fall. Starscream then landed on the ground and walked over to the kneeling red bot who was clutching his side, the red and blue jet just chuckled to himself and aimed his right blaster directly at Iron-hide's head.
"How tragic, the great Iron-hide is now kneeling before me. I truly am honoured" Starscream trailed off as he saw the colour pink? Flash across his peripheral vision,  but he just ignored it and went back to he was about to say but Iron-hide was already getting back up and so the con just ended the insult by kicking the red bot square in the face, knocking him backwards to the ground with a loud but he immediately regretted it *CLANK!* "Uh....n-now then I'll just uh -*gasp!*" suddenly he saw the full image of the pink figure charging straight at him, he didn't get time to react as they tackled to the ground in a dust storm, they were tumbling into the centre of the Stonehenge and once they stopped rolling and separated from each other embrace, once their central processors had stopped spinning they'll get down to business.
"Ugh.....what in Primus' name was that about, ow.....grr when I get up I'll......" he then fell silent as the figure in front of him was struggling to get up too. He couldn't help but to stare in surprise, those curves and the size of her stature, "they are....are.....a female Autobot!?" He gasped, yes he has seen many female autobots before in the past. But he's shocked because he's never seen anyone like Her! before, but somehow in the back of his memory banks that bright pink finish reminds him of someone he met long ago.
He slowly stood up and tip toed over to her groaning form as she used her arms to push herself off the ground, Starscream was cautious but curious enough to kneel down to meet her gaze and once their eyes met.
Something spectacular happened.....

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