Chapter 5: Answers To Be Shared

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(A/n: if anyone wants to know more about what my story's universe is based on, look up 'Transformers g1 Decepticon Raider in King Author's court' for more information about the original story line in the cartoon' or check out the old cartoon in general for the fun of it, I own nothing)

As the burning star yawned and slowly descended to it's slumber, the group that consists of a magical human, two large hulking metal giants and the loyal owl traveled through thick forest of trees. Starscream groaned for the fifth time while asking the same question again from two and a half hours ago.
"Augh! how much longer are we going to be walking for human, we've been travelling for miles!" He complained once more as his wings suddenly got caught in low hanging trees branches by his sudden outburst, he growled deeply and he tried to reach around to unhook them but he couldn't due to how much the trees were moving along with his body "Can someone help me with these damn things!?" he struggled for a bit then his shoulders slacked like a rag doll, Arcee just rolled her eyes then placed a hand on her hip.
"What's the magic word?" She asked childishly, Starscream growled again while crossing his arms and looking away, "fine be that way then" she then began walking away until Starscream huffed and reached to her while calling her name.
"Arcee wait, *angry sigh* can you Please help me with my wings" she raised an eyebrow at him and he deeply groaned, "oh come on I said Please damn it, politeness isn't exactly in my vocabulary you know"
"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" She said then walked over to him with a soft but annoyed expression and gently unhooked his wings off the branches and tucked them around his body so they don't get caught again. All the while he was watching in awe as she helped him, just the way her body moved smoothly like water had him memorised, he's never really been that close with many femmes in his life so seeing her from the past changes his every thought of evil deeds, but that could change in a instant if he screws up.
He quickly snapped out of it by shaking his heavy head and they continued walking.
"Umm, thank you for that" he said quietly and looked forward, she hummed with a nod then sighed heavily and looked down at the wizard.
"I'd hate to ask as well but are we nearly there Beorht? My joints are getting sore" she asked lightly while rubbing her hips joints, but then suddenly she remembered Starscream's wondering hands from earlier that made her blush cheery red, she looked away with her hands on cheeks before someone noticed. They all stopped in front of a large clearing in the forest and the wizard turned around to look up at the giants with Solomon still resting upon his right shoulder.
"The walk is now over my friends, we have arrived at my home" Beorht said with open arms, both of the giants looked at each other in confusion then back to the wizard and suddenly a large tree like castle began to appear with a glow of yellow right in front of them, the robots were surprised beyond mild belief.
"Wow! how did you do that?" Arcee asked and then the huge doors slowly opened, the wizard had signalled them to follow him inside.
"Come on in, my home is big enough for both of you" he then stepped inside with the robots carefully walking behind him, Star made sure to keep his wings tucked in close to his back while letting the femme go in first.
Once they were inside the doors closed behind them.
"Why haven't we tried transparent technology before to hide our base?" The seeker asked mostly to himself but Arcee scoffed at how much of a Decepticon he truly was. They looked around the gigantic room filled with amazing gold and silver trimming on the balcony railings and the stairs that leads up to the other rooms, but nature was it's main theme, above them was a large chandelier made from tree vines, flowers, fireflies and birds living in it that was hanging from the ceiling. There are little hints here and there of white porcelain walls that are under the ever growing roots, it was as if there was once a beautiful White Castle built here, but then Mother Nature decided to take over by suffocating the man made home with it's earthly power.
While the robots were still looking around Starscream then noticed that the walls were moving upwards and he followed it with his eyes to see that the room was getting larger to allow them walk around the room or anywhere they went.
"Wizard, how is it possible that the castle is moving" Starscream asked rudely while glancing back down at the human, Solomon flew off his shoulder to glide over to a nearby hollow tree.
"Long ago I was given this castle from parents and as my magic grew the castle began to breathe with life and its own personality. For seven generations now it has been in my family as a gift to the youthful ones so they could learn responsibility and magic and from the looks of it my home is accomodating for your sizes, but unfortunately you won't be able to go upstairs" the old man explained.
"So your saying that the castle is alive and it speaks to you?" Arcee asked politely while looking around some more.
"In a way yes, it does as long as I shower it with a rain cloud every few days" he smiled through his white beard and then he walked into a huge library full of books, art works and sculptures, Arcee and Starscream again carefully walked behind him into the new room. Once they were settled inside the wizard offered them a seat which were giant pillows on the floor, the pink femme giggled and sat down, making sure her tail wasn't in the way, at first Starscream was hesitant with a 'really' face expression and he looked down at Arcee who gave an irritated nod towards the pillow and he sighed heavily and plopped down on the cushion with his arms and legs crossed, luckily enough though he was far away her as possible.

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