Chapter 10: The Moon Smiles Tonight

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Author's note: sorry for the wait but let's do this....

Back in the land of modern days

One infiltration mission later from the underwater Decepticon base, the Autobots had regained the stolen magic of the Stonehenge.
"Great work everyone we have successfully retrieved the ancient magic of Stonehenge" Optimus called out to his fellow Autobots as they all cheered in happiness while thrusting there fists into the air, while Perceptor was putting away the heavy duty canasta that contained the powerful magic into yet another machine that will focus the energy back into the Stonehenge once they go back to England. Of course these machines were created by Wheeljack and so far they haven't blown up yet thankfully, but no one has jinx it yet, after locking the canasta into place of the of the large gun Perceptor went back to join up with the rest of the group as Iron-hide again asked the next obvious question.
"So what do we do now prime?" He asked with his hands on his hips.
"Right now we will form a rescue team who will go into the past to save Acree. And I believe it should be Hoist and Warpath because they have already traveled to that timeline." The big red and blue explained as the two bots stepped forward and just before Optimus could continue Hot-rod and Springer walked over to their leader with look of determination.
"Optimus let us join in on the mission too" Hot-rod insisted while pointing to his chest with his thumb, at first Optimus was confused about why they would volunteer, but then he remembered that they know Arcee well from there travels together and have created an emotional bond with her too therefore they were perfect for the job.
"Very well then, you four will retrieve Arcee and possibly Starscream too." He informed them and of course they all disagreed on that request.
"Nah let's just leave the screechy wimp to fend for himself" Bumblebee smirked with a wave of his hand and with the other on his hip, but then Hoist began to speak with hesitated reasoning as to why shouldn't leave the con behind.
"Unfortunately we cannot leave Starscream behind, because the last time we were stranded in the past he was smart enough to create his own energy source that sustained himself. And if the past is a fragile as I suspect, the human's history may be changed if Starscream remains there as the "new ruler" of that timeline, therefore changing the present timeline for the human's history books." Hoist logically explained away as best as he could but in the end however bumblebee just stared up at him as if Hoist just explained how a real human car worked. Which by the way Carly has tried before, but bumblebee is not the brightest bulb in the room.
"Anyway we should head out as soon as possible before the Decepticons catch onto our plan" Optimus announced and just like that they called in Skyfire for pick up and once he arrived outside the base, both Perceptor and Wheeljack carefully loaded the machine into Skyfire and they headed out to England.

But little did they know that the cons were tailing behind with the help of Lazerbeak listening to everything they were talking about from the beginning as soon the Autobots left their " secret underwater base", and so Megatron knew their plan the whole time. Therefore the warmonger's plan is to allow the bots to open the gate to the past and then send in Skywarp, Rumble, Ramjet and Lazerbeak to collect the most powerful energy that was slowly growing within the world of swords and superstition.
But what they didn't know was the energy they were planing to steal was actually pure darkness that will kill everything it touched.

An hour and a half passed by and the Autobots had reached there destination as the sun rose behind the mountains, signalling that dawn was breaking through and soon it would be day, even with the thin fog hanging about the whole area. It was truly beautiful to those who have lived for many, many years for earth is quite a wonderful place.
As Optimus ordered his mechs to stand by the entrance way for any disturbances, the ones on the rescue mission were bunched up together, talking about how there going to find Arcee and unfortunately Starscream too if he can be persuaded to accept their hand of slight friendship. After when Hoist finished giving the newbies a quick briefing about their last journey to the past he then brought out a small hand held devise to show the others.
"With this devise I can scan for Arcee's energon signature among all of the other magical energy flowing all across the land." Hoist explained simply and then he caught a glimpse of Hot-rod doing some punches in the air for some unknown reason. "Are you nervous for our journey ahead Hot-rod?" He asked while putting the devise away into a slot in his arm.
"Oh no, I'm not nervous I'm excited to go fight dragons, evil wizards, goblins and human eating trolls." Hot-rod excitably said with a few more air punches and then settled down. It obvious to Hoist that Hot-rod had gotten his research from watching way too many dungeons and dragon tournaments online.
"YEAH ME TOO, I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW THE NEW KING AND QUEEN ARE GOING!" Warpath exclaimed loudly, as usual.
"The new king and queen who are they?" Springer asked with confusion until they heard the machine start up behind them in the hallway within the dragon mount as Hoist re-called it from what Beorht said two years ago. During the time when the group was talking both Perceptor and Wheeljack had set up the machine aiming towards a huge slab of stone with ancient writing on it.
"We should be about ready soon guys" Wheeljack called out and they all gathered around, Optimus was the first to walk up to the group with comforting words.
"Now remember you must not harm humans, destroy any ancient architectures and most importantly be safe at all times" ah the ol' classic fatherly pep talk to his mechs about safety.
"Well we can try to do one of those three things Optimus" Hot-rod teased with a scrap eating grin as they in past have failed keep one or two of those promises in the past when he and Springer had fought the cons in the cities.
"WE WILL PRIME AND WE'LL BE BACK BEFORE DINNER TIME!" Warpath cried out and then they all came in close around the machine as a humming noise became louder and louder.
"Here we go!" Wheeljack cried out and the barrel of the machine glowed with all the colours of the rainbow with sparkling effects. "Any nanoklick now!" He then pressed a button and just like a volcano it erupted directly at the stone slab and the whole room began to glow brightly with white light. "It's working!"
"Come on everyone we must go now!" Perceptor called out then the rest of the bots quickly left the building except the rescue team.
"Now how did Starscream do it last time, maybe he...." Hoist muttered as he kneeled down in front of the slab and gently placed his index finger on the first symbol then trailed it along the rest of the lettering, and as soon as his finger left the last symbol it glowed blue. "Ah ha I've done it" he cheered triumphantly but then suddenly they heard loud explosions behind them and they spun around to see the cons attacking their fellow comrades outside.
"Quickly Hoist finish the spell!" Springer shouted but just as he said that they saw a blur of unidentifiable jets flying straight towards them just as Hoist touched the last symbol a bright flash of light appeared for a second and then it vanished.

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