Chapter 6: Lesson Number one

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"It just doesn't make any sense, one minute she was beating the scrap out of screamer and then gone in a ray of rainbow light" Bumble Bee ranted on as he told the other bots in the base, they all were surprised, especially Kup, Hot-rod and Ultra Magnus. All of the bots agreed that were on the battle field yesterday as they all saw the same light show and once it was finished both sides stopped fighting and Megatron did his favourite laugh and declared that he had won the day flew away with the stolen energy.
Hoist was next to speak as he remembered something from long ago.
"Oh I think I may know what has happened to Arcee" he said with wonder.
"And what is your theory Hoist?" Optimus asked with his arms folded while leaning against a counter top.
"Two years ago Spike, Warpath and I were transported into another dimensional time line from earth's history of swords and magic, while we were there we fought with kingdoms at war with each other and meet a magical wizard" he then paused and thought deeply about how he was going to answer his leader's question. "Maybe it was re-activated again by Megatron stealing its magic but something is different" he hummed with his left hand on his chin.
"Different how Hoist? "Optimus asked.
"When Spike, Warpath and I were teleported we went through a huge room like area but Arcee and Starscream were thrown into the centre of the Stonehenge, am I right Bumble Bee?" He looked towards the little yellow buggie.
"Yes that is correct, she full on tackled him into the centre of the temple thing and then *Poof!* There gone" Bumble bee affirmed that Hoist was correct.
"It was probably because the magic was spiralling out of control and accidentally took them away" he explained as best as he could to the group, a moment passed and Iron-hide asked the obvious question.
"Well is there a way that we can go there to rescue Arcee and come her back safely?"
"Unfortunately no, we can't" Proceptor chimed in while bringing up an image of the Stonehenge and it's energy readings "I just did a thorough energy scan of the Stonehenge twice and so far I've found nothing" The scientist explained. "It looks the decepticons actually did it, they stole all of the magic from the stones"
"Well then it looks like we'll have to go on a stealth mission to get back the magic right Optimus?" Mirage asked with slight enthusiasm.
"Yes you are correct Mirage,  we will go as soon as possible to retrieve it and bring back Arcee." Optimus said with determination as they began to form a plan to infiltrate the Decepticon base.

The medieval realm

As the sky bloomed a new day Arcee slowly fluttered her eyes awake to see the sun rising from its star light bed to greet her with a warm sunset shining through the stain glass windows. She quietly rose up from the pillow to stretch out her limbs, she then glanced over to see starscream still recharging soundly and then she remembered what the wizard said to her last night.
("Is that really you talking Arcee or that insignia you serve on your chest?") She replayed the question in her head again and again, but her denial kept on taking over her honest judgment about how he was the enemy and only that right? but he is just a bad guy that she has to stopped at all cost, but she felt different for some reason whenever she looked at Starscream as if she's met him before, again she shook her head to clear those thoughts.
The femme then got to her feet and walked outside for her daily training.

As she was doing her high kicks and punches she noticed that her energy levels were still full, maybe it was because of the constant flow of energy in the air in the castle or it's because of some other reason relating to her transformation into a unicorn.
"Grr damn it that kick wasn't high enough, I gotta try again" she cursed to herself and placed her right leg behind her and threw a large rock that she picked up twenty minutes ago into the air so she could kick it but as it was falling she swung her leg upwards as straight as she could but unfortunately her new hove like feet slipped out from underneath her and she fell backwards onto her aft and the rock smashed right on top of her head that made her cry out in pain. "Oooowwwwwww oh scrap that hurts!!" she shouted with her ears folded back while cradling her head in her hands, checking for energon leaks, but luckily she was ok "ugh why do I even have these stupid hooves and tail anyway? they just throw me off" she asked the Primus above to give her an answer but of course he was too busy to pick up and she laid back on her side as to not lay on her tail, she sighed heavily then pushed herself up into a sitting position.
"Well I must say that wasn't graceful at all" Starscream said smugly with his arms crossed while leaning against the door way, she scoffed and stood up again with a grim look.
"Don't you have an evil plan to come with for the universe's demise or something" the pink femme said then got back into her fighting position.
"Well I decided to have a break from planing evil schemes and to relax a bit" he replied with a smirk and pushed off the door frame to walk towards her but he made sure to keep his distance.
"Oh how noble of you. Now what do want?" She asked and punched the air a couple of times.
"I just wanted to ask you something personal"
"Nope" she retorted
"What why!?" He asked with his wings out stretched a little to show his surprise.
"Because I don't want you snooping into my life for your own personal gain to use against me" she answered while facing him.
"That has nothing to do with my question femme" he growled deeply with his fangs bared. "I don't care about what your life was like before that brute of a master destroyed our home, I just need to ask you something" Starscream repeated but she just crossed her arms with a huff.
"I don't trust you at all to tell you about anything Decepticon" Arcee was then about to walk back inside but the seeker grabbed her by the left forearm. "Let go of me now!"
"No, not until you answer my question Autobot" he demanded and she was about to punch him in the face until they heard Beorht call out to them with Solomon on his shoulder.
"What's all this nonsense I hear?" Beorht asked with a sour expression and a hand on his hip, he looked up at them intently and  Starscream let go of her and she stepped far away from him while rubbing her arm. "Honestly, you two must like be a couple thousand years old and yet you both act like misbehaving children" he said while rubbing the bridge of his nose to fully wake himself up.
"Yes that may be correct human but I'm not the one who's being a pest" Starscream was clearly talking about the femme who was about to charge at him but the wizard raised his hand up to place an invisible wall between them and she bumped right into it, she gritted her teeth and stood back while Starscream just chuckled at her anger.
"Enough! We have no time for this pointless squabble" the wizard then removed the wall of air and the bots did calm down a little and looked down at Beorht.
"Forgive me Beorht I didn't mean to make you upset"Arcee apologised with a frown, of course Starscream made a *psh* noise and folded his arms again.
"If you two can't get along then my home will slowly die with the rising darkness returning once more" the old man said with a mixture of sadness and annoyance.
"And what does that got to do with me?" Starscream asked rudely.
"If I am correct you both may not be able to return home if you don't defeat the darkness" Beorht explained with a heavy heart.
"Well isn't that just so convenient huh, and also why aren't you talking with those ridiculous words" Starscream asked while pointing at the human.
"The author become lazy with the whole Shakespearean text and so she's making me talk normally for the time being" the Wizard explained then cleared his throat.
"Oh that makes sense" Arcee said lightly.
"Anyway I need to begin the lessons of the day, Arcee I will start with you first" Beorht then faced towards her.
"Wait, what do you mean lessons, I am the smartest one here andI don't need some puny human to teach me everything I ready know" Starscream complained with shaky fists and was about to walk away into the forest.
"But do you know how to fly?" The wizard asked that stunned the seeker in mid walk and look up at his wings and growled once more.
"Of course I know how to fly dump human and I will master this things in no time" Star grumbled and out stretched his wings and tried to flap them as hard as he could in defiance but all he manage to do was blow air around him, the harder he flapped  the more he clunkier his body lifted off the ground by ten inches but immediately fell back down to the floor on his knees. The dragon jet hissed in anger and got back up not giving them a single glance. "I, I just needed a bigger area to fly in, the stupid trees were in the way" he shouted while a blush of embarrassment painted his cheek plates.
"Oh dear he's going to be a hand full, well then Solomon I'll leave him to you for the time being" the brown owl then flew off his shoulder and went over to the angry giant. "Solomon will teach you the basics of flying Starscream"
"Grr and how am I supposed to understand this tiny bug!?" Star asked and then the owl suddenly got right into his face and hooted loudly making Starscream move backwards a little while trying to swat at the tiny owl.
"All you have to do is follow his actions and he'll tell you if you are doing good or bad, trust me owls are very intelligent birds." Beorht informed the red and blue giant and the owl began to hoot as if to tell Starscream to follow him into a more open area near the castle, the mech sighed heavily and did what the bird hooted.
"Oh thank Primus he's gone" Arcee huffed.
"Why must you hate him Arcee, has he ever actually hurt you before, and I'm not saying this on his behalf but I need to understand your reasoning for your anger?" Beorht asked politely.
"Well because he's an enemy of the Autobots and I heard some many horrible stories about his evil deeds as a back stabbing traitor" she explained with her fists tightening into balls.
"Yes but that's what you've heard from other robots right?, but have you actually witnessed him doing an 'evil deed' before or do you believe everything you hear from your comrades" the old man said with a raised eyebrow.
"What are you trying to say?" She asked, growing more angry by his accusations.
"Have you ever heard of the word 'propaganda' before and what it means Arcee?" He asked while walking outside to another open close by Starscream and the pink femme trailed behind him.
"Kinda, but what are you trying to get at Beorht?" Arcee asked with more anger forming.
"All I'm saying is that you do have your own opinions Arcee, you can't decide on what's right and what's wrong that is based on your comrades experiences" he explained that made her fall dead silent with thoughts of how he may be right and how she was acting before like a sparkling. "All you have to do is listen and try to understand how Starscream may be feeling from his past or at this moment right now with the sudden circumstances because deep down you both need each other to go back to your home, so please try to grin and bare for now" he finished walking then turned around to look up at her and she slowly nodded her head.
"Y-yeah you may be right but will he understand how I feel in return?" arcee asked while sitting down on the ground and she shyly glanced at the dragon seeker getting hooted at by Solomon again.
"That's not for me to answer, for it is up to you to ask, remember you can choose who you want to be allies with" he paused and out stretched his arms to begin the next lesson. "Lesson number one is complete and now I'll teach you how to use magic"

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