Chapter 2: New Arrivals

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The year is 1999 and the Aubots were just hanging around there base doing whatever came to mind to occupy themselves from boredom, Bumble bee, Cliff-jumper, and Smokescreen were having a bet on how long it take for Wheeljack's new invention to explode, Perecptor was at his desk studying a new Japanese metal he picked up a while ago, Ratchet and Spark-plug were fixing up Iron-hide because of their battle a few days ago with the decepticons. The Dinobots were...well, doing what any large prehistoric dinosaurs would, stomp around while complaining about who is the strongest while Spike , Carly there five year old son Daniel were out with Hound,Blue-streak, mirage and blaster out on patrol. FYI Carly and Spike got married seven years ago and Daniel is the result of their love. The Aerialbots and the show off Power-glide were also out on patrol in the skies.Everyone else is watching human sit-coms tv shows such as Fawlty Towers and the three stooges.

In the main computer room Optimus, Hoist and Grapple were standing a large projector table that was presenting a city landscape.
"So, will this new autobot city project be possible to make Hoist?" Optimus asked while pointing at the hologram city, the green and yellow bot hummed in thought while rubbing his chin then answered.
"Yes it possible, but of course it will take about five to seven years to build it with fully operated built weaponry, it will be a piece of energon cake" hoist explained with a thumbs up.
"Its really too bad that the constructicons are not "helping" us again with this project because honestly they're really good at what they do" Grapple cautiously said as he watched Optimus' reaction as he remembered exactly what happened the last time they were helped with the solar tower many moons back. Prime just folded his arms and sighed.
"I don't disagree with you Grapple but the constructicons are never to be trusted again, but if the circumstances were different however then I would allow them to help" he said then he got a call from Jazz on his com-link.
"Come in prime" Jazz says.
"What's the matter Jazz?" Optimus asked with his right arm raised up to his chest.
"Teletraan 1 has just picked an anonymous caller from a spacecraft currently entering earth's atmosphere right now that is requesting to speak to you" Jazz reported.
"On my way now Jazz" Optimus answered back and immediately went straight to the main room where mostly everyone was at the time, once he got there Jazz stared to push a few buttons to try to get through to the caller, but it only showed a pixelated screen of a tall red and blue robot silhouette on the other side. "Please identify yourself and what is you want on earth?" Prime asked sternly while being on guard just in case this was trick by the decepticons. The caller stood tall and then the screen cleared itself completely to reveal an old friend of Optimus prime. "Ultra Magnus"
"Forgive Optimus but I needed to sure that this was a proper autobot wave link before speaking" Ultra Magnus spoke with pride and Optimus relaxed a bit.
"That is understandable old friend, so what is the reason for your arrival?" Prime asked.
"My crew and I will be joining you on earth, because our old base was destroyed by the cataclysm event of cybertron being teleported to the solar system cycles ago and we have been searching for new energy sources for energon during that time. But we have found nothing and so we will be joining you soon" the commander explained and Optimus thought for a second then gave an answer.
"That is unfortunate Ultra Magnus, but how many autobots are you travelling with right now?" Optimus asked while crossing his arms over his chest plating, Magnus then quickly looked around at his surroundings to count those on board with him and turned back to the screen.
"Six members,including myself, but why do you ask Optimus?" Magus curiously asked.
"Because we are running dangerously low on energon that is provided by the earth's governments. But there is nothing wrong, because some of my autobot warriors have left the base for their purposes, it won't be a problem to have more of us fighting together against Megatron" Optimus reassured his friend.
"Where will we meet up?" Magnus asked with caution as he was well aware that the Decepticons could be listening in on there conversation right now, and so he and Optimus spoke carefully.
"At the west-east cannon of where our base is located, about twenty klicks away from the base as to not catch the Decepticon's attention" was what Optimus said but what he actually meant was to meet them by the river side to the north by using cybertronian sign language because the cons can hack into audio feed of the ship that magus is using but not the video feed and luckily the ship has its defence shield up to block Soundwave's attempts of spying on them.
"Roger that, we'll see you soon Optimus, Ultra Magnus out" Magnus then hung up and made there way the to secret location but to be sure that the cons won't find them first Optimus turned to his team and announced.
"Autobots we will be having new companions joining us in a few hours so I will be needing a few of you to come with me to pick them up, any volunteers?" Optimus asked with a hand half way stretched out.
"I'll go with ya Optimus" Bee was the first one to put his hand up that was followed by Cliff-jumper, Smokescreen and Jazz.
"Any one else?" Prime asked while looking around and saw that Iron-hide was trying to leave the operation table but Ratchet immediately stopped him.
"You can't go yet Iron-hide your hip joints still need to be fixed" Ratchet said as he pushed the red bot back onto the table,
Iron-hide groaned in annoyance.
"Oh come on Ratchet you've been working on me for the past two hours, I'm as fit as fiddle" he tried again but Optimus approached them.
"Iron-hide it doesn't matter how strong You feel right now, I would rather have you in perfect condition before you go into another battle again, ok" Optimus assured his friend and Iron-hide groaned again then laid back onto the table so that grey beard Spark-plug can drill into the bot's hip plating.
"Thank you Optimus and I will be on stand by just in case something happens on your mission" Ratchet said and the leader walked back to the group of volunteers and they all made their way the front entrance of the base and Optimus called out his favourite catch phrase.
"Autobots transform and roll out!" On cue everyone changed into their vehicle modes and followed the big red truck in the forest to retrieve their new friends.

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