Chapter 1: legends to be Born

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Author's note: I'm sorry for the confusion readers I don't know what exactly happened but I think I lost the first chapter of this book and now this is a re-written version, I'm really, really sorry for the inconvenience........ I'm freaking out a little........and I can't remember what I wrote....please forgive me.

Once upon a time where sword and sorcery tales became the norm of everyday life in a land of many legends to be told at the round table, but there is one particular legend that is filled with hate, love and mythical creatures that is rarely mentioned.
It all happened many, many years when the lands were filled with ancient creatures that roamed endlessly, but there are two species that fight one another with an unknown reason. They are the traitorous fire breathing dragons and the gentle caring unicorns, they have fought for centuries, some thought it was for dominance, honour or revenge? No one truly knows......
This lasted for the next few years until the greatest of evils arrived, killing anything it touches and it was making it way to the kingdom to drain the living magical energy out of the earth and it's inhabiters. The dragon and the unicorn now being the last of their kinds reluctantly joined together and journey along difficult roads that tested them with each step they took. The purpose for them wanting to help is because both creatures needed the magical forest to live and without they both would slowly perish over and the humans were the unicorn's only hope to be believed in the dragon just wanted to find more gold keep.

******************powerful force ***************************************************************but nobody came*******
***********carnage************************************************bloodshed and tears *******************no hope******
**********************************************sealing it away***********************thousand of years of peace***********
*******************************************the dragon and the unicorn**********************feelings*****************
********************************************************they saved the for a new sunrise******************************* ***************************goodbyes****************************************sharing their tales of woe to those who would ask.
*******************************************************tiniest bit of darkness survived. ************************************roaming souls***************************************everlasting happiness that humans**************forgetting the true heros*****

Many years have passed and a single man ventured into the whispering willow forest for he was told that if he found the three waterfalls that flowed as one that shared hidden secrets, once his breath fell silent he could hear hushed voices of the fallen creatures laughing and mourning for they are apart, but have promised to find a way to be together for history has a way of repeating itself for better or for worse.
For everyone and everything is born with the gift of freedom........

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