Chapter 4: Who Are You?

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Long ago back on Cybertron....

Starscream yawned in exhaustion from flight training earlier that day as he trailed behind Skyfire who was very excited to go on a exhibition to a foreign dirt planet in a far away solar system filled with other strange planets and a humongous burning star, it has never been explored before and so the young scientists were given the task to explore and bring back samples for future research.
"Slow down Skyfire, I'm not as tall as you with long legs" Starscream stretched out his stiff limbs with another yawn, Skyfire immediately snapped out of his nerd mode and slowed down while rubbing the back of his neck with a smile.
"Oh sorry Star, it's just that I'm really excited for this mission because we're the first ones to explore this new part of the galaxy" Skyfire said with a big grin, Starscream just rolled his eyes then placed a hand on his hip.
"You say that all the time whenever you find a new rock on the side walk" Starscream said with a smirk and the large white bot chuckled.
"Oh come Star I can see that your excited too" Skyfire teased while pointing to the seeker's wings that the were slightly moving back and forth on their joints, whenever a seeker with wings on their back is feeling a particular mood their wings display that emotion. This can sometimes work for grounders with car door wings too.
"Ok you got me there, but I'm not jumping to one of the moon stations and back with excitement like a........huh?" He trailed off  as he caught a glimpse of a young pink femme bot being harassed by two big seeker jets, one was a deep maroon and grey colour and the other was white, grey and red. Starscream felt an odd feeling while watching the scene play out, it was an urge  that he needed to step in now or else, Skyfire saw what his partner was staring at and he fell silent.
The seeker jets were forcing the femme into an alley way, she was trying to fight back but they were to strong for her to handle and that's where Starscream drew the line while balling his fists and the marched his over to the scene, Skyfire reached out to the stop him but he knew he couldn't and plus Star was doing right thing.

"Oh come on little femme, come fly with us it'll be fun" the white jet said with a deep monotone voice while trying to grab at her chin, the pink femme tried to push him away but the second jet just grabbed her wrists and pinned her against the wall.
"Please stop!" The femme cried out and suddenly the white jet was knocked to the ground, the femme and the jet both looked at  Starscream, the femme was relieved and the maroon jet growled and shouted.
"Hey! how dare you do that to my friend!" he then held the femme's wrist above her head off the wall with one hand while the other arm with a shoulder cannon was aimed at the blue and red jet. Starscream just crossed his arms over his chest plate with a seriously impatient expression.
"Well, aren't you going to defend yourself?" Starscream asked sternly while staring at the femme.
"What?..." she muttered.
"Come on. Fight back" Star ordered, still not doing anything to help her, but he did notice that the other seeker on the ground was slowly getting back up, Starscream just groaned then fired his null ray at him that was at low power that made him fall unconscious again. "You may be small but you can fight back against this cone headed dult" Starscream motioned towards the maroon jet who grumbled deeply and was about to say something until she twisted her body to face her attacker and kicked him in the mid section therefore dropping him to the floor and then she quickly regained composure and looked up at Starscream. "Your not done yet" he pointed to the grovelling jet, her leg was sore from the impact but she hobbled her way over to him and waited for him to look up at her with a surprise expression and then the supposedly helpless pink femme punched him square in the face. Unfortunately it didn't knock him out, but she did manage to break the cone head's jaw making him cry out in pain and crash back to the floor.
The white and grey jet is awake again and he saw that his partner was whimpering on the floor and he scrambled to get up to drag his friend out of there as fast as possible before things got much worse.
"Come on Thrust let's get out of here" the one named Thrust got to this feet while holding his dislocated jaw, struggling to speak properly but it sounded like he was desperately trying to say his friend's name.
"Uhhhhh ehh Raammm-eeeee" they both faded away into the alley way, leaving Starscream and the femme alone.

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