Chapter 8: Time is Little and Life is Draining

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Author's notes: hey everyone I'm so sorry for not posting anything for a month or so, but now that I am back let's get right into the world of cheesy love, fantasy and a slow burning story line.
P.s Just be aware that I don't know when I'll be uploading the next chapter anytime soon, so please be patient with me because I am dealing with a lot of family issues right now and I don't get much free time, plus I am making up this story as I go along, so yeah..... Thank you for understanding my lovelies.

Another sun has shone through the clouds that morning and the two metal giants were outside practicing the new found talents. The pink femme was meditating and the blue and red jet was doing loopy loops in the sky, Beorht the wizard was reading through some books about dragon and unicorn mythology, he did this so he could help his friends harness their new powers.
While he was doing that he was also cross referencing with "The Unspoken Legend" book to try to connect some dots about the evil creature is that they have to prepare for, while reading a monster book with the rarest of dark magical creatures in it. So far there has been no information about it, no drawings and no reports of it in the history books. It's so bizarre but that is how the legend had passed away with it no hope to destroy it once more when the creature eventually returns.
Beorht then sighed while rubbing his old weary eyes and then gasped suddenly after hearing a loud bang against one of the far walls of the library , this made him chuckle with a roll of his eyes with a grin because this has been the third time today that Starscream has smashed into the tree castle, but with every crash landing the stronger his pain tolerance becomes. At least Arcee will be able to practice her healing magic every thirty minutes.
Beorht yawned and decided to call it quiets and closed the three books he had open and stretched out his arms and went outside to see how the robots were going so far, as he was walking through the huge doorway he saw something flicker by in the tree line, he then rubbed his eyes to squint into the shadows, but there was nothing there.
The trees were awfully quiet today which is odd, because the nature folk are always talking, singing and sending healing pheromones to each other through the earth, but today they seem silent along with the castle too.
Beorht just figured that they were preparing for an upcoming storm and he walked over to a scene where Arcee was healing a very grouchy Starscream who sat on the ground with his arms crossed while getting an audio full from Arcee about how he should not have been so stupid. But the human just smirked and thought he should let them have more alone time and so he went around to the other side of the castle where he had a large garden of everything ranging from flowers, veggies and fruit.

"If you weren't being such a show off, you would've seen the upcoming tower that nearly broke off your horn" Arcee grumbled as she was just finishing up magically stitching his left horn to his head and then out of annoyance Star puffed out his wings a tiny bit with his tail flickering about like a cat in a huff, he then growled under his breath while muttering.
"I don't need your permission to do cool stunts, your not my carrier" the mech rolled his optics.
"Well then, if you continue to act like a sparkling I'll send you to bed without dinner" she huffed and stood back with her arms crossed as well.
"Huh! What in Primus' name are you talking about femme!?" Starscream asked in confusion as he stood up abruptly to look down at her.
"Here on earth, if a human's child is misbehaving they get sent to their beds, which is a berth for us without food sustenance as a punishment" she explained with a straight face that made him raise an eyebrow in more confusion, as she was staring up at him she couldn't help but to admire the hint of rose pink in his optics that stared down at her like daggers. This caused a slight blush to paint her cheek plates and she stepped back a little while looking away.
Starscream saw her getting flustered and decided to be cheeky and leaned down closer to her face with a smirk, she become more red and moved back more until she felt the castle wall against her winglets and lower back making her gasp.
"You know for an Autobot lackey, you sure do blush a lot and I find that quite adorable" his high pitch voice slowly become softer as he suddenly placed both of his hands on either side of her head then got in as closed as he could while considering his size.
"What are you doing?, st-stay away from m-me" she stuttered as she tried to think of a way to get out this rising tension.
"If you want to talk about punishments, I've got a few in mind we can try out" he purred while positioning his wings like shields or an umbrella on each side of them, making it dark.
"Don't you dare....or else I'll...uh" she trailed off and then her horn started to glow suddenly. "Ok I did not know I could do that" and the closer he got to her the brighter her pink horn glowed making him chuckle and he completely enclosed them in darkness with her horn nearly blinding them both.
"Now that we're finally alone together, there is one thing I want to do right now" he whispered the last few words in her audio as she eternally screamed, she has never been in this type of situation before and she closed her eyes out of reflex for what was to come next. "Do you remember me?"
Arcee immediately snapped open her eyes and her horn dimmed rapidly to a night light along with her blushing. "W-what?, what do you mean?" The pink femme asked in obvious confusion but her body was still stiff from fear, Starscream relaxed himself by breathing out then continued talking.
"It was a long time ago back on Cybertron and you were being assaulted by two thugs and I.....sort of saved you from the first guy but you handled the second one really well, and for a very long time now I was hoping to see you because I was........worried that I would never see you again after Cybertron's death." as soon as he finished explaining Arcee's memory banks imploded with that single special moment become crystal clear.
From Starscream's point of view he slowly lowered his arms and took a couple steps back away from her so he could fold his wings behind his back, waiting patiently for a punch to the face or a kick to the chest or undoubtably a knee to the ball barrings. Possibly all three at once, but what came next................was unexpected.

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