"Mr. Sinclaire, your speech earlier was a bit of a...surprise," Veronica suddenly opens up, making Max chuckle, but he didn't say anything to defend himself. Call it petty, but he wanted her to know that he did it on purpose.

     "As the vice president, I would like to apologize," Veronica says next, and that finally made Max look back at her.

     "Our students have always been confident, and that's because of how our president portrays herself. But of course, that is not always a good excuse. I hope you know that we'll work on it to become better."

    Max doesn't say anything, but Veronica stops walking and faces the heir. She then takes a deep breath and suddenly bows to Max, showing him both her respect and her sincere apology.

     "I apologize for how our House has been treating you so far. I am deeply ashamed," Veronica says as Max continues to stare at her.

     "Stand," Max commands, and surprisingly enough, Veronica did stand.

     "I am not a member of the House of Queens so I don't really know the situation here," Max honestly says. "Though I was not happy with how we were treated, I would also like to apologize. What I did should not have happened if I didn't let my anger get the best of me."

     To Veronica's surprise, Max bowed to her too, leaving the vice president speechless.


     "We might not be the best school, but I hope the next time we visit, you avoid giving us weird looks. The House of Kings is named kings for a reason. All of us, from the gaffers to the serfs, have worked hard to be enrolled in that school and to survive in that house. We deserve our much-needed respect," Max then says as he stands properly to face Veronica again.

     Veronica was supposed to comment about how he doesn't have to apologize, but she takes a deep breath and nods her head instead.

    "You are more of a vice president than I am. It made me realize how much I still have to learn," Veronica says, and Max couldn't help but chuckle.

     "Oh, believe me, I'm not even close. Our vice president back in J.S High is far better in his job than I am. And besides, I feel like I fit the president image more, don't you think?" Max asks with a playful grin, and the vice president finally loosens up as she nods her head in agreement.

    "Well now that that's settled, let's go to your president. I don't want to keep her waiting," Max says, and Veronica nods her head again as she finally leads Max to the office.

    As soon as they arrive, Veronica stops in front of the room where the president is supposed to be in. She then opens the door for Max, and Max thanks her and finally makes his entrance.

     The room almost looked like president Janus's office. It was only then did Max realize that their Elites' president actually has her own room, not like in the House of Kings where all the members are in one room.

    "Maximilian Leigh Sinclaire," a voice calls out, and Max looks upfront and sees a woman sitting in front of the desk, signing papers that Max wouldn't even be able to understand even if he saw what they were.

     The woman was wearing the same white uniform that everyone else was wearing, but somehow, she didn't feel like just a student. Her aura was strong and her presence was commanding. Max couldn't look away from her, and for a moment, he almost bowed to her. The fact that Max still felt intimidated is proof that he still has a long way to go to even face president Ian as an equal, let alone Viktor.

    "Please, sit down while I finish reading this document," she says without looking at Max.

     Max doesn't say anything and just nods his head as he takes a seat in front of the desk where the president is.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Where stories live. Discover now