Dumbledore's loyalties

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                                                                      Flashback Time : 12:30 am Harrison's 11th birthday  

Tom was pulled from his thoughts when Severus Snape appeared in the flames of his fireplace. Snape's greasy hair was framing his face and his face was stoic as usual, his onyx eyes not revealing any emotion.

"I do my Lord," Severus said respectfully. "May I come through."

Tom waved a hand in a gesture for him to come through, and a second later Severus Snape was standing in front of him brushing off soot from his black robes. The man bowed his head as a sign of respect and Tom gestured for him to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"What is so important Severus?" Tom asked as he eyed his spy with hidden curiosity. Severus Snape wasn't one for social calls, especially not at that late hour.

"Dumbledore called me to his office this afternoon," Snape began and Tom's eyes instantly snapped up to his.

" Oh , do go on Severus ." Said Tom .

"He had apparently just finished going over the list of new students to be attending Hogwarts this year," Snape continued. "He was worried when he came across Harrison's name on the list."

"Oh," Tom said lightly. "and what exactly did he say?"

"He went on for quite some time about how he never thought you would be..." Severus grimaced "...foolish enough to send your child to Hogwarts."

Tom's eyes flashed red .

" He may be my mentor bet even he can't be excused so lightly in this matter ." Decided Tom .

 Hello everyone sorry i haven't updated for so long , to make up for it I promise to update more often 

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