Shopping part 3

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Sorry , I couldn't update for so long I want to tell all my dear readers that I will not be able to updated till October 4th or a couple of days before , due to my exams , enjoy .

Delphini went into the robe shop , while Harrison made his way to Leo , Cass and Draco while Cass was saying , "Now com on Leo be a gentleman and help me pick my robes ." In an attempt to annoy Leo which worked like a charm and Draco was doing his best to keep his composure and not burst out laughing .

Deciding to annoy Harrison Draco asked ." Taking her shopping already ."

 ." What can I say I move fast ." Said Harrison smoothly .

" Why is it impossible to make you embarrassed." Asked Draco with a little curiosity and a great deal of annoyance .

The only retort he got was ." A wizard never reveals his secrets ." Followed by a smug smile from Harrison .

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