Ollivander's part 2

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Finally it was Harrison's turn and Ollivander handed him a wand, he waved it once and nothing happened. The second and third wands were the same, they didn't even feel like wands to him. It felt as if he was just waving around a stick. After twenty wands he was starting to feel silly and he was long past annoyed and so were the adults , while the other adults didn't show it , Sirius looked lie he was just about ready to go to sleep .

"I wonder..." Ollivander stared at Harrison looking thoughtful. "I'll be right back." He turned and walked into the back of the shop.

"Where's he going?" Leo asked as he tried to see where Ollivander had gone.

"To find a wand," Cass said as though talking to an infant.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," Leo said harshly.

At that moment Ollivander came back carrying a box. He pulled out a wand and Harrison felt a pull towards it, he had the feeling this would be his wand.

Harrison took the wand from the box and instantly he felt a warmth spread beginning at his fingers. He looked on as the colours of the Slytherin crest , shot out of the wand.

"Curious...very curious." Ollivander muttered.

"What's curious?" Harrison asked as he put his wand into the wrist holster his Uncle Sirius had given him for his birthday.

"Your wand is eleven inches, holly and phoenix feather. The phoenix whose tail feather resides in your wand gave another feather, just one other feather." Harrison who hadn't been listening closely instantly snapped his head up to look at Ollivander, he knew that brother wands were extremely rare. They usually meant that the two wizards either are or will be connected somehow. Ollivander continued to speak. "It just so happens that the other wand, is the wand of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. We can expect great things from you young sir, after all He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things, terrible things, yes, but great."

The Malfoy's , Blacks and Lestrange's exchanged looks of pride and awe. Tom gave his son a proud yet calculating look. The twins and Draco looked between Harrison and Tom before catching Tom's stern eye and quickly looking away.

Harrison's mind was whirling, he had the brother wand to his fathers. His father had done many great things and was capable of magic that most people could only ever dream of. For his entire life he dreamed about being as powerful as his father and he hoped that this was a sign that he would be. He wanted to be able to do anything he wanted with a flick of his wand like his dad, he wanted to be able to do wandless magic like him and to have the amount of power that he did. He looked at his dad and saw his proud smile but he could also see a look in his eyes that showed he was thinking about what having brother wands could mean.

After a minute of silence the adults paid for their kids' wands and they left the shop. The sun shown down on them and the sound of laughter and loud voices could be heard from every direction.

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