The magical menagerie part 2

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Harrison's snake azrael poked her head out of Harrison's sleeve, she'd been curled up his arm sleeping for most of the day. I don't like this place.

Harrison looked around to see if anyone, but his friends could overhear them. We'll be out of here soon, go back in my robes. He didn't want the worker to ask too many questions, and an eleven year old with a snake wrapped around his arm would lead to questions.

Nani hissed in displeasure, but ducked her head back up his sleeve.

A pair of enormous purple toads sat gulping wetly and feasting on dead blowflies. A gigantic tortoise with a jewel-encrusted shell was glittering near the window. Poisonous orange snails were oozing slowly up the side of their glass tank. Then there were cats of every color, a noisy cage of ravens, and a basket of funny custard-colored fur balls that were humming loudly. Several large exotic birds stared at him from their cages. Harrison wrinkled his nose in disgust when his eyes landed on a vast cage of sleek black rats that were playing some sort of skipping game using their long, bald tails.

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