Introduction to the inner circle and the rage of sirius black

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After Harrison finished his bottle ,  he was given a bath  , and then it was time for the wardrobe  . Tom spent several hours picking out the perfect outfit for Harrison to wear. First impressions , after all were everything. After several minutes tom settled on black silk pants , a black silk shirts and finally blood red robes with emerald's which complimented Harrison's Avada Kedavra green eyes . He combed his son's hair , which thanks to the adoption potion were a similar shade to Tom's and were extremely soft and silky and not at all what they had been yesterday.

After making sure that his son was presentable, he descended down to the first floor which was used for non death eater guests . Most people would think that Tom being a dark lord would have his manor extremely gloomy , which is the case most of the times Tom also does enjoy a little sunlight as much as likes a little sunlight this part of the manor always remains a little or a lot too bright for Tom's taste.

At exactly nine o' clock, sounds of apparition were heard. Tom turned to the entryway to see his Inner Circle walking in. In the front was a beautiful woman with long curly black hair and heavily lidded eyes. This woman's name is Bellatrix Lestrange. Behind her was Lucius Malfoy a tall, blonde, aristocratic looking man. To Lucius' right was his wife Narcissa, in her arms was their son, Draco. Narcissa is not a Death Eater; however, Tom wanted her to meet Harrison. For, if he needs someone to watch his son, the Malfoy's would be his first choice. Narcissa had long straight blonde hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin, the opposite of her sister Bellatrix. Their son was about the same age as Harrison, give or take a few months, Tom did not know for sure. He had white hair and grayish-blue eyes. Following them were Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus is the husband of Bellatrix. Antonin Dolohov, a muscular man with dark hair, Thorfinn Rowle, a blonde man with piercing blue eyes, Walden Macnair, Samuel Nott, and Evan Rosier followed in next. Barty Crouch Jr was the next to enter. Barty is the youngest of the Inner Circle; he is a tall gangly young man with light brown hair. Finally, a tall pale man with a hooked nose and sallow skin entered with black robes billowing behind him. Severus Snape inclined his head in greeting.

Upon entering all the death eaters and narcissa bowed and said "My Lord."

"My loyal Death Eaters. I have called you here for a joyous occasion. Today you will all finally meet my son." Tom walked towards a crib that sat before the fireplace. He bent down and picked up his son. "My son, Harrison Riddle."

The Death Eaters stared at Harrison. All of them had different emotions and thoughts running through their heads. They knew what they were called for, but to actually see their Lord's heir was exciting. Would having an heir change their Lord? This could be a good thing, but it could also turn out to be a bad thing. Only time will tell. Narcissa was the first one to speak.

"He is extremely precious my lord" Narcissa said smiling at the boy

"Yes , he is Narcissa." Tom told her while staring at his Death Eaters. He was gauging their reactions. None seemed upset by him having an heir. 'This is good.' Tom thought. 'That means I don't have to kill anyone of value today.'

Tom placed Harrison back in the crib and turned to his Death Eaters. "Narcissa you are welcome to put young Draco in Harrison's crib. That way we can all enjoy some tea."

"Of course." Narcissa said, walking over to the crib to place Draco down.

The two infants stared at one another before Harrison made a gurgling sound and an adorable smile graced his face. The blonde boy eyed Harrison like he was a new toy before he smiled too, showing a small baby tooth.

Several hours later, all the Death Eaters were gone. Once he was fed, Tom laid Harrison down for a nap then went to his office with Nagini.

That turned out better than I thought. Tom hissed. None of them will be a problem.

Yes, it seemed to go well. What are your and young master's plans for tomorrow?

our plans? I have no plans for the day. Harrison is still getting used to the house. Thankfully, he took to me instantly. However, I want him to get used to a routine before I get back to work. Then he will need to get used to Narcissa, she will be the one to watch him when I am busy. He will also have a young playmate in Draco .

That is good master; he will need a good friend.

Yes, he will. Soon though, Nagini, I will begin my plans to, once and for all, take over the Wizarding World.


                                                                                    Somewhere in Hogwarts

"You have to understand my boy that what you wish for is not possible." Said the voice of one Albus Dumbledore.

"Why , the rat betrayed james and lily to Voldemort and now they and my godson is dead . Why can't the rat get the dementor's kiss.

"Because his crime is not severe enough for him to receive the kiss."

"Not severe enough. Not severe enough. godson is dead   an innocent child because of the rat and his crime is not severe enough." Shouted Sirius in absolute fury . 

"In our eyes it may be but in the eyes of the Wizengamot it is not . " Said Dumbledore hoping to calm Sirius down.

"You just don't get it do you ." Retorted sirius in rage and without waiting for a reply left the room banging the door as loud as possible .

Sirius left the door , leaving dumbledore to think how to calm him and Lily and James down .

Son of lord Voldemort : Harrison riddleWhere stories live. Discover now