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  As they entered the Ollivander's , Harrison felt a chill go up his spine. It was as if the shop was filled with some secret magic. It was a small, dusty shop with only one spindly-legged chair. Moments after the entered, Ollivander walked up towards them. His creepy silver misty eyes boring into their souls.

"Hello," Ollivander said. "Hogwarts? Here for your wands?"

"Yes," Draco said as the blonde tried to looked behind Ollivander to see the wands.

Harrison didn't answer, in actuality, he was trying not to roll his eyes. They were eleven and walking into a wand shop, of course they were looking for wands.

"Very well, let's see," Ollivander said as he pulled out a tape measure which began measuring Leo.

It measured him from head to toe, hand to shoulder and around his waist. Harrison could tell that Leo was annoyed when the tape measure began to measure between his eyes.

"Bloody thing was annoying," Leo said to Harrison once the tape measure moved to his twin.

Harrison's lips twitched when he saw Ollivander shoot Leo a speculative look when he heard the boy complain. The wand maker handed Leo a wand, it looked to be about ten inches.

"Try this," Ollivander said. "Holly and dragon heart string, ten inches."

Leo took the wand and waved it causing a nearby vase to explode. Ollivander snatched the wand away and handed him another one. Leo impatiently tried wand after wand until finally he was handed a ten inch walnut and dragon heart string wand, silver sparks shot from the tip. Leo smirked triumphantly while the adults clapped politely , except Sirius who went into full blown cheering , earning a look from all the parents except an amused look from Regulus and a death glare from Narcissa .

Cass took about the same amount of time as her brother had. She tried a birch and unicorn hair that was eleven inches, a cedar with dragon heart string that was ten inches and a maple with a unicorn hair that was eight inches. Finally green sparks shot from a nine inch walnut and unicorn hair wand. She grinned as Bellatrix and Rodolphus looked on proudly , and saw that Sirius was about to cheer again but decided against it wisely .

"Try this one," Ollivander said handing Draco a wand. "Ten inches, birch wood."

Draco waved the wand and nothing happened. The second wand Draco tried caused the same vase Leo exploded and Ollivander repaired, to explode. The third wand caused a small fire to catch onto Draco's sleeve and he scowled at Ollivander as the man snatched the wand away. Lucius glared at the wand maker and Narcissa pursed her lips as she placed her hand on her sons shoulder. Ten wands later and finally Draco found his match, his wand was made of hawthorn and was ten inches with a unicorn hair core and again the adults clapped politely and smile at Draco with the exception of Sirius of course , who was now leaning against the door to the shop sleaping , but awakened promptly by a not so weak nudge in the ribs from Bellatrix.

Son of lord Voldemort : Harrison riddleWhere stories live. Discover now