Diagon alley two

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After the playful banter of the previous chapter , the group now arrived at quality quidditch supplies where a Nimbus 2000 . Several boys were gawking at it ."It's the fastest broom ever," a small, wide-eyed boy said excitedly.

"It looks amazing," the boys companion marveled with a hint of awe in his voice. Harrison heard Draco scoff and for all his willpower even he was finding it hard not to scoff , it appeared that Leo and Cassiopeia shared his sentiments when they to scoffed at the boys but he was a master manipulator and an expert at hiding his emotions more so than even the dark lord because he was trained since he could talk in a lot of thing because of his own insistence in various things and ,  so he did with a poker face looking exactly like his father who had the same expressionless mask .

The kids were having much difficulty to stop their repeated scoffing because Harrison's father who they called uncle Tom ( the dark lord is fond of children but much much more to Harrison in fact so much so that if given a choice between world domination or Harrison he would  take Harrison in a heartbeat ." had bought the Firebolt company  to gift Harrison a Firebolt and had also given slightly inferior firebolts than his but it might have to do with the fact that the deal depended on his broom . ( The riddles are literally richer than god in this story because I say so ."

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