Delphini Lestrange part 3

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Before Delphini could make a snide remark , to get back at her cousin brother Draco Malfoy , but the adults sensed the upcoming danger and Bellatrix started to tell her daughter about Harrison's wand .

" Well he got , the brother wand to the dark lord ."

" Bella ." Scolded Narcissa 

" You , do realize the danger of calling him as such in public" said Narcissa furiously .

But Delphini was far too shocked to hear that Harrison had got the brother wand to the dark lord , but then again he had never lost to anyone except for the dark lord and he had stopped losing to him too when he was 9 so it only makes sense as their magical signature is so similar .

she was broken out of her thoughts to see that Draco , Leo , Cassiopeia and Harrison had went to find their pets .

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