Diagon Alley

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After finishing their business with Ollivander's , the adults and kids went to quality quidditch supplies .

" Oh , come on Harrison cheer up you have the brother wand to your father's ." Said Draco trying to , well cheer up Harrison.

" Of course I am glad that I have the the brother wand to my father's , though it would have been better If i could just use my wand created by myself , merlin , father  and the  founders for which I had to defeat Lucifer the fallen angel and the prince of hell , which would make the elder wand look like a fake one ." Said Harrison obviously wanting to take his wand to Hogwarts .

" So if the last name Riddle isn't enough to tip Dumbledore off , your wand will ." Said Sirius Drawling like a Malfoy .

" See , Harrison even Sirius isn't crazy enough to believe it will work ." Said Regulus earning a very and by very I mean very offended Sirius .

" Of course I am crazy enough to believe it will work ." Said Sirius thoroughly offended .

" So , your not angry because you were called crazy but you're angry because you were not called crazy enough ." Drawled Lucius Malfoy Incredulously .

" Yes ." Said Sirius proudly earning a glare from all the adult females and the shake of their heads from all the other males .

Son of lord Voldemort : Harrison riddleWhere stories live. Discover now