"Don't be like that you know I didn't mean it that way. I love you." I said resting my hands on my thighs.  Leaving the dresser he came over to the foot of the bed and stood in front of me.  He scoffed, "Yeah I love you too,"  He said kissing my forehead, then continuing. 

"Eloped huh?" 

I nodded wrapping my arms around  his neck, "Yep, eloped."  A smile grew on his face, "After all this maybe we should." He said. Me and Anthony married? Like together for the rest of our lives. Married to somebody that I've been having feelings towards, for as long as I can remember wants to elope, well get married.

The thing is am I ready for marriage though? I'm not worried about the settling down part it's just that I know how my parents' marriage was and I don't want a repeat of that. But me and Anthony love each other and it wouldn't be anything like my parents.

"Spanks, you good?" He asked to bring me out of my thoughts. "I'll talk you about that later lover boy, we should be getting ready to leave. We still gotta pick Layah and Kai up." I kissed him, then stood from the bed. "Don't worry, about the bag's I'll get 'em ."  I nodded, getting the rest of my stuff together then headed downstairs.
After we picked up Kai and Layah from Ma's house we drove to the airport. We had an hour delay before we could board the plane because of some bad weather, but once everything was cleared we were on in no time.

The plane is huge on the inside and very much luxurious, the interior is a cream white and deep gray color, it has huge individual seats, a couch up against the windows, a bathroom, and a beautiful sleeping area, which Alayah was sleeping in now.

"Thank you," I thanked the flight attendant taking the Coke can from the tray. I sat in the window seat Kai sat beside me with his head in my lap sleeping and Mackie sat across from me.

I looked out the window watching the clouds as they passed by. I could feel Anthony's eyes on me the whole time, he's kept them on me since we boarded. "What?" I asked finally looking at him.

"Nothing I'm just admiring you." He said, I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Thank you," I thanked twisting a curl in Kai's head. "When are you gonna tell him about his other siblings?" Anthony question, motioning towards Kai.

I jumped my shoulders, "I don't know, probably after press. He's nervous about that as is and he has so much going on. And I wanna wait until he's not as busy. Ya know?"

"Yeah, I think he'll be excited about it."

I mumbled in agreement, laying my head against the seat's headrest. "We have another five hours before we land you should get some sleep." He said closing the windows shade. "What about you? You'll be up alone."

"I got some football highlights to catch up on. Here." He said tossing a blanket at me. I reclined the chair once I had put the blanket over us. "I'll wake you once we land." I nodded before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.
Turbulence had wakened me up a few minutes before we had landed. I knew I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon so I got back to looking at more places that can accommodate my home needs, but I still didn't have any luck.

So I spent the rest of the flight listening to Alayah and Mackie give Kai and each other interviews questions and answers.

A while later we landed, once we had cleared for our luggage we loaded everything up in a car I rented I drove to Lay's place because she swore she was too jet lag to drive.

Once we made it and unpacked I sent a quick message to Miriam letting her know that we had made it and she could come over when she was ready.

Layah and I sat in the living room waiting for her while Anthony and Kai played 2k up in the game room. "It's cute how Kai and Mackie are bonding," She said with her head in my lap.

"He likes being around him, they like being around each other. He's that missing father figure beside Djay." I said.

It was silent for a minute both of us on our phones, she probably cleared outfit plans with her stylist for tomorrow, and on the other hand, I had to clear some plans about last-minute property sales.

"You think he's gonna be nervous about meeting them?" Lay asked breaking the silence looking up at me. "No of course not, he always wanted siblings," I said.

If anything I was nervous, I didn't know how he was gonna react, if he was gonna ask questions.

"What if he has questions about Myles?" She asked, playing with the ends of my hair. I jumped my shoulders, "I don't want to tell him right now, especially after what he witnessed."


Miriam showed up a few minutes after with pizza and drinks. I fixed Anthony's and Kai's plates took them to the game room, then joined the girls back in the kitchen. Once I fixed my plate I sat down at the table across from Miriam and Layah sat at the left of me.

"So I'm just gonna come straight forward with it," said Miriam once she had swallowed the drink. Layah and I waited for her to continue. "I was in connect with Myles at one point," "You were what?" Layah asked.

I didn't move, I didn't say anything. I mean I expected it, the way she was around me and she had started acting weird."Listen, he threatened me. I did something a few years ago that could ruin my career. He got word of it and held it over my head."

"So it's your career or someone that's like your sister that you've grown up with. That this man beat on for years?" yelled Layah she now standing from the chair. "Alayah you know it's not like that." She said while looking down at her hands. "Well, it sure in the fuck does seem that way."

I stayed quiet, I didn't know whether I should be mad or forgive and forget because I know how manipulative Myles can be. "Y/N/N say something," Layah demanded. I looked up at her motioning for her to sit back down. Rolling her eyes she did.

"Is that all?" I asked, she shook her head. "No, when I told y'all about me being in Jamaica with Kamden I wasn't. I was in New York with him and your Auntie Janet," My face dropped, it's your own people.

"Once they told me what was gonna happen, I left and called Kam, he didn't know about any of this. Once I told him he was pissed, he didn't understand how I could go through with something like that when I've known you for so long. That's why he left me and my life has been complete and utter shit since." She said.

"I won't mention this in court, but I'll never trust you again." I stood from the table and walked to throw the plate away. "You can leave," Layah said pointing to the kitchen exit. They both stood up from the chairs, Miriam turned to me before walking out of the door. "I'm Y/N/N I hope you can find a way to forgive me." Then she walked out of the door.

I leaned against the counter taking out my phone to call mama, "You good?" She asked. I nodded like she could see me. "I just talked to Miriam," "Yeah and?" She questioned. "Child, why her and Auntie Janet was helping Myles this whole time." I said, she automatically turned the camera on trying to facetime.

"You lying to me?" asked Ma once her face came into the camera. "I wouldn't tell you a story Ma, Layah recorded the conversation, I'll have her send it to you, but I don't want her to go down behind this." I said. Even though I'm mad at Missie for doing something like this I couldn't let her take a fall for something like this.

"I'll see what I can do. I'm finna call Ma and tell her about her damn sister. I love you to talk to later." She said. "Love you too." I said hitting the end call button, pressing the sleep /wake button as I walked out of the kitchen.

"You okay?" Layah asked walking away from the door. "Yeah, I'm going up to the game room to bother the boys wanna join?" I asked, "Go ahead I'll be up in a minute." She smiled. I smiled at her then walked up the stairs.

The game room door was still open, Mackie and Kai sit with their backs towards the door, facing the tv playing call of duty with headphones on their heads. I walked in going over to where Anthony is sitting. He opened his arms for me to sit on his lap.

Once I had sat down he put his arm around my waist, I laid my head on his shoulder while putting my feet on the couch. "What's wrong ?" He asked looking down at me before looking back up at the tv.

"I just wanted to be under you," I whispered.

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