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Marinette POV:

When I got home from dropping the kids off at school, I thought I sensed that someone was following me but I decided to ignore it and go into the house. That's when a piece of cloth was put around my mouth and nose. I blacked out.

By the time I came to, I was still groggy but I thought I saw three hazy, but familiar faces. I closed my eyes to see if I could steady my vision a little bit. When I opened them there was only one person in front of me. It was Chloe!

"Nggh. What? Where am I?"

"Well, well, well. Look who came to pay us a visit. Miss Marinette Dupain-Lame."

I tried to stifle laughter. She clearly didn't know that Adrien and I were married. She also didn't know that I'm still Ladybug after all these years.

"What's so funny, Marinette?"

"Oh. Nothing. Just remembering a similar situation to this from when we were in high school. Remember that time when you, Lila, and Kagami lured me to an abandoned warehouse by baiting me with hurting Adrien? It was so easy to get out. Luckily Ladybug knew where I was and she was able to save me all those years ago."

"Well, she won't know where you are now and she won't be able to save you."

"Why's that Chloe?"

"You may not be able to feel it right now Marinette, but we're on a boat on the river. We're sailing you out of Paris for good." A voice echoed as another person entered the room. I couldn't tell who it was at first but when they came into the light I saw that it was Lila. So Kagami had to be here somewhere too. There's no way that they did this, just the two of them.

"If it isn't Lie-la. My old high school nemesis. Looks like jail didn't do any favors for your looks. You too, Chloe. You're a mess." I laughed.

"That's just because I get seasick is all." Chloe tried to make excuses. But I knew that jail hadn't done her any favors. But, who knows? Maybe she does get seasick.

"Once we're far enough out of Paris, we're gonna dump you into the river, and this time we're gonna make sure that you stay on the bottom of the river. Permanently." Kagami's voice finished as she and I came face to face.

"Well, hello Kagami." I smirked.

"Don't get cute with us, Marinette. You'll be dead in only a matter of hours." Chloe laughed.

"You three really don't know do you?" I laughed.

"Know what?" Lila asked.

"Oh. Just that the three of you have absolutely no chance with Adrien now. And you don't know who you're messing with."

"What are you talking about Dupain-Lame?" Chloe interrogated me as she pulled me up by the collar of my shirt. This was gonna be fun.

I laughed again. "Oh. You didn't hear? Adrien and I got married about 10 years ago. I'm not Dupain-Cheng anymore. I'm Marinette Agreste."

"What?! This can't be true! I know! I'm an expert when it comes to lies!" Lila shouted.

"No. It's true. Our wedding was all over the news. And one more thing, people are gonna be really concerned that I'm missing. You know why? Because I'm the most famous designer in all of Paris. I'm sure Adrien has people looking for me as we speak." I explained calmly.

The look of shock on those three's faces was priceless. They looked so pissed. But they also looked shocked. They all started arguing about who's fault it was that this happened. They didn't notice that I had slipped my ropes until I stood up and started running.

"SHE'S ESCAPING!" Chloe cried out. She was right. I was escaping. But not without having a little fun with them first. I quickly found a place to hide and transform. This time, I wasn't just gonna be Ladybug. I was gonna be Ladyfox.

"Tikki, Trixx, unify!" I said and transformed. I created an illusion of myself running around the boat. I made sure that they wouldn't touch the mirage. Otherwise, I would be toast.

I played the mirage melody. "MIRAGE!" I called out.

I quickly ran to the top of the boat and called Adrien on my bugphone. Voicemail. He must be stuck at work. Well, I guess I had a little time to mess with Lila, Kagami, and Chloe.

I made my mirage run all over the boat until the three girls were worn out. As soon as they were out of breath I removed the mirage of myself where they couldn't see it. "Reality." I whispered. Then I ran back to the top of the boat and jumped away. I had to find a way to get back to Paris. Adrien will be worried about me soon.

I found a place to hide and detransform so I could feed Tikki and Trixx. Once I did that I looked around to try and figure out where I was. I used the GPS on my phone to find my current location. It showed that I was in Versailles. 21.3km (about 36 minutes for Americans) away from Paris. Luckily I knew how to get home from there so once Tikki was done eating, I grabbed a magicaron.

"Tikki, power up!"


"SpaceTikki, spots on!" I quickly turned into CosmoBug and flew back home to Paris. It was too easy to get out of there when you had some help from some very friendly kwamis. Luckily I was able to sneak in the backdoor of the mansion without being noticed by any of the staff.

I quickly ran up to my office and started working on some designs for my summer line. Then I turned on the news to listen to while I was working. What I heard made me laugh. Apparently, someone had noticed that I was missing and saw the whole beginning happen. From how I was kidnapped, to where I was kidnapped. They saw that I was being put on a boat by Lila and reported it to the police. Now, Chloe, Lila, and Kagami were being arrested again, but this time they were being put somewhere that they had no chance of escaping. That's when Adrien called me.

"Marinette, I just saw the news, are you alright?"

"Adrien, honey, I'm fine. I escaped with the help of two little friends of mine if you know what I mean."

"Ah. I do know what you mean. I'm so glad you're safe. Tell you what, to make sure that you stay safe for the rest of the day, I'll pick up the kids from school and bring home some dinner."

"Adrien, you don't have to do that. I'm pretty sure I'm safe now that those three are gonna be behind bars again."

"Well, let's hope. They escaped once. Who's to say that they won't escape again?"

"If they do, we'll stay ahead of it and keep patroling Paris. We'll do it during the day, and at night. We won't let anything happen to us, or to the kids. I promise. This won't happen again. Now, don't you have work to do?" I teased.

Adrien laughed. "Ha, ha. Very funny Marinette. Alright, if you're sure you're safe, we can keep our routine going."


"Hey, most of the time, I know better than to argue with you Marinette."

It was my turn to laugh. "Okay. Get back to work honey and I'll see you when you get home."

"See you when I get home. I love you, Marinette."

"I love you too, Adrien."

We hung up and now I felt safer than ever. I had a feeling that things in Paris were never gonna be the same again. But I'll be ready for it. We have all the miraculous holders and each other. Whatever the world throws at us, we'll be ready.

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