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Adrien POV:

After I met with Officer Roger last night, I went to Marinette's house to check in on her. I wanted to see how she was doing. I went as my civilian self. I got there and greeted her parents.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. Is Marinette home? I want to make sure that she's okay after what happened last night."

"That's so sweet of you Adrien. Yes, she's home. She's up in her room. I'll go get her." Her mom told me.

"Actually, I was hoping I could go up and see her. If that's okay with you two of course." Hey, I'm nothing if not a gentleman.

"I think she'd rather come down here for the time being." Her dad said.

"Understood sir." I don't think Tom was comfortable with me being in his daughter's room right now which I completely understand and respect. Soon enough, Sabine was back downstairs with Marinette.

"Hey, Adrien. What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Marinette. I was just coming to check up on you and make sure you're okay after everything that happened last night."

"That's sweet of you Adrien. But like I said when I got back to the dance last night, I promise I'm okay. I was a little shaken up because, honestly, who wouldn't be? But I'm okay now. I promise."

"You're sure?" I asked.

"I'm positive Adrien."

"Okay. Well, as long as I'm here, would you want to do something with me today?"

"That depends. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the park and just talk. It's a beautiful day outside."

"I'd love that. Mom, Dad, is it okay if I go to the park with Adrien for a little while?"

"Okay, sweetie. Just be back in three hours."



"Please, dad."

"Alright. But three hours. Then you have to be home."

"Yay. Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad."

"Great. I'll have her home within three hours. I promise."

"You better." Her dad warned me. I gulped but then I took Marinette's hand and we went to the park.

"You're dad seemed tense." I commented on our way there.

"Yeah. He just doesn't want to see me heartbroken. He thought I was genuinely heartbroken when Cat Noir said he had feelings for someone else. Really, I was just acting. I wasn't really in love with Cat Noir. I just had to think quickly on my feet for a good reason for me to be out there after he and Ladybug saved Paris. I'm out there a lot after akuma attacks." She explained.

I remembered that night. We had just saved a baby and I landed on Marinette's balcony afterward and thought she was a fan of mine in superhero form.

"Oh. Really?" So she wasn't in love with my superhero side? My real self?

"Yeah. I really had feelings for you. But I guess you're wondering why." We had just made it to the park and honestly I was wondering why she was in love with me.

"Well, yeah. Actually. I am wondering why."

"Here. Sit down and I'll tell you everything." I did as she said and she sat down beside me.

"Well, remember the day you gave me your umbrella? I had thought you were a jerk after the bubble gum incident with Chloe. But when you explained how new everything was for you, even just having friends, I was surprised that you were willing to be vulnerable with me even though I had been a jerk towards you. When you handed me your umbrella, I saw how kind, caring, generous, and funny you are. I know most girls like you because you're famous and rich, but I don't really care about those things. I fell in love with the person you are Adrien. I fell in love with your personality. I fell in love with your character. You always stand up for other people. Even if Chloe gets mad at you for it because you two are friends. You never believed Lila or Chloe when they were spreading lies about me or about other people. You always stood up against Chloe when she was bullying other people. That showed me just how good of a person you are. When you believed me when no one else did when Chloe and Lila were lying about me, and when you stood up for me and showed evidence that they were lying, it solidified everything I thought about you. You're such a kind person Adrien. I love that about you. I love everything about you. Sure, you're handsome, rich, famous, but those are really just bonuses in my eyes. Your character is what really drew me to you."

I sat there shocked. She was right about all those other girls falling for me because I'm rich and famous. But Marinette didn't care about that. She genuinely loved me for who I am. That was the most surprising thing. She is so sweet. I love this girl so much. I can't believe I had ever tried to convince myself that she was just a friend.

"Adrien." I heard her say. "Earth to Adrien. Snap out of it." She snapped in my face and I was brought back to reality.

"Are you okay Adrien?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. I was just lost in thought. Do you really mean what you said? You really fell in love with me because of who I am and not my money and fame?"

"I mean every word I said, Adrien. I love you for who you are."

"Wow. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you, Marinette. I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I love you too."

I tilted my head down slightly and put my hand on Marinette's chin. I tilted her face towards me and I kissed her. I felt her melt into the kiss. I gently pulled away after a minute.

"Marinette, there's something I want to ask you."

"What is it, Adrien?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, I will, you idiot. I love you."

"I love you too." Then I saw the familiar ice cream maker Andre and his ice cream cart. "How about we get some of Andre's special ice cream?" I suggested.

"That sounds perfect Adrien."

I took her hand and we stood up. We walked over to Andre who greeted us with a smile.

"Adrien, Marinette. How are you two today?"

"We're great Andre. We're actually officially together now. Could we get some of your famous ice cream?" I asked.

"Ah. Of course. I see the love in your eyes. I will make it something extra special for you two. Blueberry for her eyes and hair. Mint for his eyes. Peach for his lips and an extra scoop of peach for her lips as well. This is what I'll concoct for you two lovebirds." He said as he built us some ice cream.

"Merci Andre. This looks delicious."

"You're welcome young lovebirds. Now go and let your love for each other grow each and every day."

We thanked him and walked off with our ice cream.

"Wow. This is amazing. Andre really knows his stuff when it comes to love and ice cream doesn't he?"Marinette commented.

"He sure does." I took a bite and smiled at how delicious it tasted. This is a perfect day. Then I noticed the time. We had already been gone for two and a half hours. I had to get Marinette home soon.

"Marinette, I just looked at the time. Why don't we eat our ice cream as I take you home?"


"I'm afraid so Marinette. It's already been two and a half hours."

"Oh. Well, I guess time flies when you're having fun. You're right. Let's eat and walk."

So that's exactly what we did. Before I brought her to the doors I kissed her one last time before her dad could see me doing it. Then I brought her inside the bakery.

"Hello, again Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. Marinette is home safe and sound and right on time."

"Thank you, for bringing her home on time Adrien. You really are a trustworthy boy."

"Thank you, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I'm just glad that I got to spend time with your daughter. But, I should be going home now. I'll see you at school Marinette."

"Bye, Adrien. I'll see you at school."

I waved and walked out of the bakery. I went home and plopped onto my bed. I had the most magical day ever. Marinette is the perfect girl for me.

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