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Adrien POV:

I got home and detransformed.

"Plagg, claws in."

I gave Plagg his cheese and sat on my bed. I can't believe that Marinette is being hurt by all these people in her life. I can't believe that Lila, Chloe, and Kagami have been hurting Marinette. And Lila making that fake photo? I just can't believe it. I looked at my phone and saw the picture again. Great. Lila had spread it over the internet that "Marinette had stabbed Ladybug". And there are all these awful comments. Everyone is saying that Marinette should leave Paris for good. Then I saw one post in particular. Marinette was being pelted with rotten fruits and vegetables. The caption said, "This is what she deserves for stabbing our Ladybug. She should leave Paris and never return." This is awful. I decided to text her to see how she was doing. I got left on read. Maybe she's dealing with this right now. She must be feeling so awful right now. So, I decided to call Chloe. Luckily, she answered.

"Adrikins, how are you?"

"Let's skip the pleasantries, Chloe. Did you really help beat up Marinette yesterday?"

"Of course not, Adrien. You know I would never do that."

"Chloe, I hope you're telling me the truth. You promised me you'd make an effort to be nicer to people. If I find out that you're hurting Marinette in any way, I'm not gonna be friends with you anymore. That's it. No more chances after that."

"I understand Adrien. I promise you that I'm being completely honest with you."

"You better be." I said and hung up. I have my doubts about Chloe being honest with me. Then all of a sudden I got a text message. I appeared to be in a group chat with Lila, Chloe, and Kagami. How did this happen? I scrolled through the text messages they were sending. I didn't respond to any of them in fear of being spotted.

A new one popped up.

C: That was too easy.

L: Ikr? We totally destroyed her.

Her who? I thought to myself.

K: You did a great job with that photo Lila. Adrien will surely be with one of us now.

I knew it. They were the ones behind Marinette being expelled from school. I kept reading. A new one from Chloe popped up.

C: She's right Lila.

L: Aww. Thanks, guys. But that was way better than when we beat her up in the bathroom yesterday.

K: But you have to admit, it did feel pretty good to hurt her.

L: Yeah. I wonder how far we can take this. It's not like anyone would believe Mari-Trash anyway. We're just too smart and way too good at lying.

C: You're right Lila. Besides, it's not like anyone will ever see these texts anyway. LOL

That's where you're wrong Chloe. I thought to myself. I took screenshots of all the texts I was seeing just in case they decided to delete these later.

L: I have a plan. Tonight, I'm gonna photoshop a photo of Marinette killing Ladybug once and for all. That will make sure that Marinette will never come back and Adrien will soon be mine.

C: Excuse me? Adrien won't be yours you brat. He'll be mine.

K: You're both wrong. He'll be mine.

I rolled my eyes and watched as they bickered over which one of them I'd end up with. Spoiler alert: I won't date any of them. Not after seeing how they're planning on treating Marinette and how they beat her up.

C: Make sure to delete these texts. That way we'll look innocent.

K: That's a good idea. We don't want to leave a trail.

L: I'll do that right now. But make sure to lie and say that you saw Marinette kill Ladybug so it seems more believable.

C: Will do.

L: Bye

C: Bye

K: Bye

Just then they all left. Luckily I had a copy on my phone from my end and I had taken screenshots in case I forget to save these texts or they disappear or something. You never know. Better safe than sorry. I just hope Marinette's okay. I think I should visit her as Cat Noir to see how she's doing.

(Official Miraculous YouTube channel)

I quickly ran to the bakery and landed on Marinette's balcony and knocked on the window.

She came to the window and tried to shoo me away. Like it would be that easy to get rid of me. I knocked again. This time she opened the window.

"Cat Noir, you have to leave. I can't have anyone here right now." She whispered.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I'm grounded. Not in small part thanks to Lila and the others. But you have to go. I can't get into deeper trouble."

"Okay. I'll leave. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"I'll be fine. Now please go." She urged me.

"Okay. Bye purrincess." I punned and left.

Marinette POV:

After Cat Noir left, I was left wondering why he had come here. I wonder why he wanted to make sure that I'm okay.

Tikki popped out of hiding.

"Who was here Marinette?" The little kwami whispered to me.

"Cat Noir. He wanted to make sure that I'm okay. But I don't know why." I explained.

"Maybe he heard about the photo and the lies and just wanted to make sure that you didn't get akumatized. I mean, he did already save you once."

"That's true, Tikki. I guess I'll never really know why he was here. The only things that I know go through that Cat's head are Ladybug, puns, and saving Paris. That's about it."

I heard footsteps coming up my ladder.

"Hide Tikki." She flew into my purse.

"Marinette, I thought I heard voices up here. You're supposed to be grounded. That means no friends coming over." My mom told me.

"Oh. You heard voices? That was just me practicing my impressions of my classmates. I guess I was a little too loud. Sorry, mom."

"Just make sure that no friends are coming over. You have no right to have friends over after harassing your classmates and stabbing Ladybug." She explained.

I nodded and she left. Ugh. This is officially the worst day of my life. I hate Lila. I hate Chloe. I hate Kagami.

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