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Marinette POV:

I went to school the next day, not knowing what to expect. When I went into the classroom I saw that everyone was whispering about something but they stopped when I came in.

I walked up to Alya. "Alya, what's going on?"

"Don't act dumb Marinette. You know what you did. How could you?"

"How could I what?"

"Not cool dudette." Nino sneered.

"What? What's going on?" I pleaded.

"Don't act dumb Marinette. We all know you stabbed Ladybug." Lila said as she walked up to me.

"What are you talking about Lila? I never touched Ladybug."

"Oh, year? Then explain this."

She showed me her phone and on it was a photoshopped image of me stabbing myself. Well... Ladybug.

"But this is impossible."

"Oh please Marinette. Everyone knows you hate Ladybug. I saw you stab her with my own two eyes after school yesterday." Chloe said.

"WHAT?! I was running home in tears because you, Lila, and Kagami were beating me up. Now you're making up this lie that I stabbed Ladybug? This photo is clearly photoshopped." I shouted.

"How can it be photoshopped if Chloe saw you do it Marinette?" Alya asked me.

"I never touched Ladybug. I was being chased by an akuma yesterday and Cat Noir came to save me. He destroyed the akuma with his cataclysm and really helped me. Adrien! Cat Noir told me that you told him that you heard some girls beating me up yesterday. You have to believe me."

"I do believe you Marinette. I know you would never hurt Ladybug." Adrien said. Everyone else glared at us and started picking on Adrien too.

"As it stands, it's your word against Chloe and Lila's and unfortunately that means I have to send all three of you to the principal's office to get this straightened out." Mrs. Bustier said.

"Fine. I have nothing to hide because Chloe and Lila are lying."

We went to Mr. Damocles' office and were told to enter.

"Now. What seems to be happening miss Dupain-Cheng?" He asked me.

I explained how everything went down yesterday. How Lila, Chloe, and Kagami had beaten me up yesterday, causing me to run home in tears, almost getting akumatized, and being saved by Cat Noir. Of course, Chloe and Lila had their own made-up version of events. They said that I had been torturing them for weeks and showed him the photoshopped image of me stabbing Ladybug.

"Marinette, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Yes. That's not me! I never touched Ladybug! I would never hurt anyone! There's no way that actually happened. Lila is constantly lying and Chloe is always using her dad as an excuse to not get into trouble for her actions. I'm telling you I'm innocent. You have to believe me, Mr. Damocles." I protested.

"I'm sorry Marinette, but with the photographic evidence and you not having an alibi I'm afraid I have to expel you. We do not tolerate our students harming others in any way."


"Marinette, my decision is final. Get your things and get out of my school. You are not to return and I will be calling your parents about this."

I started crying and walked out of the office. I can't believe he believed those liars over me. I hate this. Why is this my life? I can't do this. Then I saw an akuma flying toward me. I greeted it openly as it went into my purse.

"Princess Justice. I am Shadow Moth. Everyone is believing the liars over you. I can give you the power to make sure that everyone gets the punishment that they deserve. In return, I require Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?"

"Marinette! NO!" Adrien called out to me.

I was shaking and trying to defy Shadow Moth. "I... I won't let you control me."

"Princess Justice. I can give you all you ever wanted. You just need to take the deal." Shadow Moth said.

"MARINETTE! YOU CAN FIGHT THIS! I BELIEVE IN YOU!" Adrien said as he ran to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Come on Marinette. Fight back." He told me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. "I know you're innocent. But Shadow Moth is offering you dark power. You don't want this. You always see the best in people. You're a good person Marinette. Please, fight this." He said and cried, pleading with me to fight back.

"I... I... I won't... I won't let you control me Shadow Moth. Adrien is right. I am strong enough to fight this. I don't need your powers. I always find a solution." I said and the akuma flew out of my purse and purified on its own.

"ADRIEN! You saved me! Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Marinette, all I did was tell you the truth. If everyone else doesn't believe you, then that's their loss. I know you're innocent." Adrien told me.

"Thanks, Adrien, but I'm afraid it's too late. Damocles expelled me. He called that photo that Lila showed him photographic evidence. I need to grab my backpack and leave. Thank you for believing me, Adrien." I said and walked back to Mrs. Bustier's class to get my backpack and tell her that I've been expelled. She said she was sorry to hear that and told me that she'd miss having me in class. I thanked her and left. I felt everyone's eyes on me. Judging me. It stung but I couldn't let it get to me. I can't get akumatized. I'd figure out some way to clear my name. Somehow.

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