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Marinette POV:

I was walking in the hallway after school toward the bathroom when I felt someone pull on my arm. Hard. I was yanked into the bathroom. Then I heard 3 voices laughing at me.

"Look at Mari-Trash."

"I know. Who thought Dupain-lame would be here?"

"The only reason she's here is because she's been kicked out of every other school in Paris." (Please don't hate me for making Kagami mean. It's for the story. I love Kagami.)

"Ugh. What do you three want?" I asked. I knew it was Lila, Chloe, and Kagami.

"For you to stop existing." Chloe said.

"For you to end up friendless and alone." Lila followed.

"For Adrien to be mine." Kagami finished.

"Uh... Excuse me?! Adrien won't be yours, loser. He'll be mine." Chloe retaliated.

"No. He'll be mine!" Lila yelled.

Soon the three of them started bickering about who Adrien would end up with between the three of them and they almost didn't see me sneaking away. Almost.

"Where do you think you're going Marinette? The fun is only starting." Lila said as she grabbed me by the collar of my jacket. She threw me against the wall of the bathroom and punched me in the gut. Chloe hit me next with a hard slap against my cheek. Kagami kicked my shins and I fell to the floor. Lila gave one final blow to my stomach by kicking me and laughing.

"That'll teach you not to steal Adrien from us. Later, Mari-Brat." Chloe said and I heard all three of them walk out of the bathroom. Leaving me in tears. Probably to spread more lies no doubt.

Tikki flew out of my purse and hugged the cheek that Chloe hadn't slapped.

"Are you okay Marinette?" My little red kwami asked me.

"I'm okay Tikki. Just a few bruises here and there. Nothing that won't heal." I said, downplaying how much pain I was really in.

"Are you sure Marinette?" She asked.

I nodded. Then I heard footsteps.

"Hide, Tikki." I whispered.

I saw Alya come into the bathroom.

"Girl, we were all so worried about you. You'd been gone for so long- What are you doing on the floor of the bathroom?"

"Lila threw me against the wall and punched me in my gut. Chloe slapped my cheek, Kagami kicked my shins, causing me to fall, and Lila kicked me in the stomach."

"What? Marinette, have you gone crazy? Sure Chloe's mean but she wouldn't physically hurt you. And Lila?! You've got to be joking. She has arthritis in her wrists remember? There's no way she would have been able to throw you against a wall and punch you. And there's no way that Kagami would do anything to hurt anyone. She's too nice." Alya explained to me. Like I was gonna believe that after what they just did to me.

"Do you seriously believe that Alya? I thought you were my best friend. You know I wouldn't make up something like this."

"I don't know Marinette. I think you've been studying too hard and focusing on your crush on Adrien too long. You need to get a life."

"You seriously believe those liars over me, Alya? I can't believe this. You're supposed to be my best friend. But I guess friends believe liars over you. So, you're not my friend anymore Alya. I don't want anything more to do with you." I screamed, fresh tears flowing down my cheeks. Alya looked stung but I didn't care. She believed Lila, Chloe, and Kagami over me. She knows I wouldn't make something like this up. And yet, she still believed the liars.

I ran home crying and I noticed a purple butterfly following me. I ran as fast as I could to try and avoid it. I didn't have the strength to confront it right now. But then I heard something familiar being yelled.


Cat Noir grabbed the akuma in his hand and destroyed it.

"C... Cat Noir? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Adrien told me that he thought he heard some girls picking on you. I knew there would be a chance that Shadow Moth would send out an akuma. I ran out here as fast as I could and saw the akuma flying behind you. I couldn't let you be akumatized Marinette. You're too good of a person." He explained.

I broke down into fresh tears and leaned into his chest. I felt him wrap his arms around me and heard him whispering comforting things into my ear. I pulled away after a couple of minutes.

"Thank you Cat Noir. You saved me." I said as he wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

"I'm just doing my job Marinette. But, tell me. What happened?" He asked me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

I took a deep breath. "There are these three girls at my school. They love to make my life miserable. They usually only hurt me with their words. But now they've moved on to hurting me physically. Today, I got thrown against a wall, punched in the gut, slapped across the cheek, kicked in the shins, and kicked in the stomach." I explained as I started to feel my eyes well up.

His eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. Marinette, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

"The worst part is," I continued. "Is that my best friend doesn't believe me. She thinks I'm crazy. She believes the lies that those three girls spread about themselves. Especially Lila. She's always lying. She always tries to turn my friends against me. And it seems to be working now."

Cat Noir wrapped his arms around me again and I buried my head into his chest. "I have no one." I said in between sobs.

"That's not true, princess. You have me and you have Adrien. I'm sure we can get something figured out. In the meantime, try not to let them get to you. And if they hurt you again, tell Adrien. He'll tell me and I'll talk to them. If they don't listen we'll talk to your principal about what's going on."

"I appreciate the thought Cat Noir, but I don't think the principal would believe us over Lila and the others. Especially since one of them is the mayor's daughter. Chloe. And then there's Kagami. Her family is rich and influential. A lot like the Agreste family."

"I had no idea that they were the ones involved. I'll talk to Adrien and figure out a plan." He said.

I heard his ring beep. "Thank you Cat Noir. I'll try to be careful but I don't know how much longer you'll be in your superhero form." I giggled.

"Thanks for the reminder Marinette. And remember, you can come to me and you can go to Adrien if you ever need help." He said.

I nodded.

"Well, I better split. You wouldn't be able to resist me in my civilian form. I'm sure we'll meet again." He said. He extended his staff and leaped away.

"Wow, Cat Noir was really worried about you Marinette." Tikki said after he left.

"I know. But it's just because he's friends with Adrien, who's friends with me. Besides, what would've happened if I had been akumatized? I'm pretty sure that that would be bad for all of Paris because they wouldn't have Ladybug to protect them." I explained.

"You have a good point Marinette. I'm just glad Cat Noir got to you in time and that you're safe."

"Me too Tikki. Me too." I said.

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