23| Favorable Outcome |

Start from the beginning

He looked cute, without the cap; Mufida mused checking him out.

"Hey."He waved and she isn't planning on replying him, she just stopped swinging as her own way of offering him a sit. Haidar flashed her a small smile before settling himself on the swing beside her, leaving a reasonable amount of space between them.

Just because she is talking to him now, and not giving him attitude doesn't mean he is allowed to do whatever he wants.

"You never told me you've a twin brother."Mufida said breaking the awkward silence.

"It was never that important."Haidar replied curtly. That's not the type of answer she was expecting from him, she had expected a very reasonable answer but that's doesn't mean she will let him know that she was tiny bit hurt by his reply.

It is what it is.

Haidar hesitated for a while before moving his lip to say something but he couldn't utter a word, he suddenly became nervous. He really didn't want Mufida to shut him down as always, he want to clear out all the misunderstandings between them. That way maybe she will be able to stop blaming him for everything.

"I'm sorry."Haidar whispered but loud enough for Mufida to hear him, looking down as if talking to himself, he added. "It really wasn't my intention to leave you, I had no other option."

Mufida looked briefly at him, trying to figure out something whether he was saying the truth or not. But then, his eyes locked with hers, and she looked away before she goes weak. Even though it was just for a second, she noticed something in his eyes;

He was being sincere.

"I was hurt."Mufida confessed her eyes watery. "I was deeply hurt when you left, and your message shattered me and broke my heart Haidar."She sniffed finally able to look him in the eye.

"If you will just listen to me, I'll tell you everything."Haidar pleaded nervously. Mufida gave him a slight nod as a go ahead to say whatever that was on his mind.

"I didn't leave for Cyprus intentionally I was threatened and also forced to leave. I agree it was my fault that I didn't get to pick you up early that day but my father had called me up to his office, I had no other choice but to tend to his work. When I was already done with his work, it was late so I just went back home thinking that you were also at home, I never knew that you were molested. And when I found out about the news before I could even get to you Muhammad came to me early in the morning, and showed me a video."Haidar gulped shutting his eyes for some time. Mufida quickly looked at him curiosity taking the best of her.

"What video?"

"It's not that important forget about."Haidar refused to tell her about it, not wanting to argue further about the matter Mufida nodded her head, reminding her inner self to ask him about it when he is done with his story.

"I didn't want that video to get leaked out to the public, so I just followed his orders and left for Cyprus. I had no idea he sent that message to me believe me I'm saying the truth, he deleted the message immediately he sent it."

"How did he get a hold of your phone ?"Mufida asked, it's not like she don't believe him, she really do, but she had to ask that question.

"After I've agreed to leave for Cyprus, I also asked him to delete the video and end the matter. He deleted the video, when I saw his phone I was surprised he has the same brand as mine, the pouch and everything. I didn't get to understand why he had the same phone as mine until after I've reached Cyprus he had my phone swapped with his, I've no idea how he did it but he managed to pull it off."

"Thank you for not letting the video get leaked out, thank you so much for that Haidar, but nothing is going to go back the way it was between us. Whenever I move on in life, I move on for good."

The way she spoke, the words were also deeply hurting her, as much as the words were hurting her, she had no other choice but to make it clear to him that she doesn't need him anymore in her life.

Mufida picked her almost crying self up and jogged into the house. Ignoring the consistent calls from Haidar.

Hey !

Another day another update 😂

Ya kuke ?

Ya gida ?

Ya sanyi ?

I hope everyone is doing well, Ma sha Allah.

I hope you've enjoyed the update, and if you did please tap that small star button below and tell me what you think about the chapter in the comment section which is a neighbor to the star button 😂 I will really appreciate it.

Sayonara 👋

Ria ❤️

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