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Mr Gassani bought me the whole 10 flavours. How cool is that.

I'm gonna have so much fun trying them out with Mia.

Mr Gassani was big and  tall he had a very, very deep voice and an accent I couldn't place, pretty curly dark hair, and a well taken care of beard, he wore a suit like most people in the room but this one particularly I knew the others couldn't pull off. He was very handsome.

Not to be mean but I didn't expect people from up here to be nice I expected him to curse at me and leave in the streets, but I glad he didn't, maybe he'll be my friend.

When I met Hermie outside I told her all about my encounter "— but he was very nice"

"I'm glad to hear it sweetheart" she said with her eyes on the road.

"His name is Mr Gassani, Riccardo Gassani, and he had an accent"

"Hm, that sounds Italian" I sank depper into he chair relaxing happy to be going home.

"-and he used this foreign words, one of them sounded like the ones you call me but the other was different"

I started thinking trying to recall it "something like , picc, cala, cela, cil—"

"Piccola?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, that was it!"

"Yes that's Italian" Hermie is so good, my friend.

"What does it mean?" "Little" she said, glaring at me. That made me blush and shut up and for her to chuckled, her chuckles were so pretty.

Little as in small right,? not little little.

I mean Hermie doesn't know little little does she? She doesn't know about me, no one knows about me.

But she asked me how old is was when I slipped.

Oh no. Does Hermione know?



I left Arianna in the living room scrolling through the streaming movies choosing one to watch tonight while I was informing today's work to the board  in my room.

I walked into the living room to a wide eyed Aria too engrossed into the TV.

"What's wrong?" I asked before turning to the screen.

It was a woman being uhm intimate with another woman in a very sensual way. I looked back to Arianna that seemed to be having a battle with her head about what they were doing.

In a second, one of the woman came making loud noises causing Arianna to quickly shut her legs together before turning off the tv altogether and letting go of the remote like it was on fire. Sinful fire.

"What were you watching?" I asked with a smirk getting the food served in the plates for dinner.

"I-I'm not s-sure" she mumbled and I chuckled at her state. Too cute.

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