Bonus Chapter 1: The Death Threat

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TheOverzealousOne here: I thought I would introduce these little bonus chapters by talking about where they fell in the story and what was originally going to happen.

So, our main heroine Demetria is baited into thinking that her parents are alive, essentially putting herself and all of her friends (/ husband) in danger. This chapter takes place when Demetria first gets informed that her parents are "alive"; causing her to escape without anyone knowing. In this chapter draft, rather than having Dash spoil it to her; she finds out from a mysterious phone call. I liked the idea of a phone call but didn't like how it'd come out of nowhere, so I kept the phone call part for a later chapter.

I digress, enjoy the bonus chapter!


Suddenly, Demetria's personal assistant perked up. She had an incoming call – something she hadn't gotten for what seemed like ages.

"...what the heck?" she whispered to herself.

She answered rather hesitantly...

"Hello, you've reached Demetria," she answered.

"Mrs. Dawson, I must congratulate you." the voice said.

Demetria stood back from the townsfolk to avoid being overheard.

Unable to decipher the pitch-shifted voice, she reluctantly drove off to a secluded spot to avoid attention.

"Who is this? How did you get this number?" she barked.

"Your parents sure are proud of you." the voice said.

"What?" she answered rather confusingly.

Demetria shook her hood and proceeded to hang up the call.

She quivered all over, unable to shake the unceasing thoughts now filling into her mind.

"What is this all about?" Demetria thought to herself.

Just before she could dwell further into her mind; her assistant perked up again. Once again, she hesitantly picked up.

"Alright, what is this about?" she interrogated.

"Relax, I'm sure you're just confused at the moment." the voice said once again, not even introducing themselves.

"What do you want?!" Demetria asked sternly.

"A reunion." the voice said.

A large amount of shuffling occurred over the speakerphone before a couple of familiar voices entered the fray.

"Demetria... Oh, my sweet Demetria." the voices said.

Demetria was suddenly lost for words. She stood in her spot – wide-eyed and unable to speak – before letting out a single phrase...

"...Mum? Dad?" she mumbled, starting to tear up.

All too quickly, however, the phone hung up on her once again.

Demetria shook her hood violently, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Luckily, her guardian angel came swooping in at the right time...

"Uh, Deme? Are you alright?" Dash comforted as she went up to nudge her.

She backed off before he could get any closer, looking at him with a scared expression.

"Deme? What's going on? Tell me, please." Dash asked with a growing level of concern.

Before she could say a word, she raced off back to her operating room.

Dash stuck to his vows to stay by her side and raced after her – only just making it into her shop before she slammed the door behind him.

"Deme! What in the Manufacturer is going on? Please, tell me!!" Dash asked.

" ... parents..." she answered cryptically.

"What about them, bub?" Dash asked.

"...they're... they're..." she tried to answer.

"Out with it, babe! I can handle it." Dash comforted, going in to nudge her once again – not to his avail, unfortunately.

"My parents are alive! They're alive." Demetria let out, shaking subsequently.

"What?" Dash said, gasping in the process.

"I got a call from someone. They said a bunch of things before putting my mother on the phone. They spoke... they sounded just like how I remembered." Demetria admitted.

"What did the caller say?" Dash asked, going in to nudge for the third time. This time, his wife gave in to his advances.

"They said that my parents were proud of me. The caller put them on afterward and just hung up after a single sentence." Demetria admitted.

"Well... are you sure it was actually your parents? It might have been a voice recording." Dash assured.

"Oh, you're right... you're totally right. It was probably just a voice recording." Demetria tried to assure herself, shaking her hood.

"Demetria, come here." Dash pulled her close and began to comfort her once again.

Dash could feel that something wasn't right with Demetria. She began to shake vigorously due to nerves.

"Just breathe, bub. It'll all be okay." Dash comforted her.

She felt her assistant perk up again. It was another incoming phone call. She tried to escape Dash's embrace, but he wasn't letting go...

"No, Deme. I want to hear it. Answer it." Dash assured.

"Alright," Demetria assured as she picked up the call...

"Boltarius! Or should I say... Boltarius's." the caller asked.

"What do you want?!" Demetria yelled.

"Calm down. I know what you're thinking. All your prayers will be answered at the LA penitentiary. Stay safe, you two." the caller hung up.

"LA Penitentiary... that's where they're keeping Nettes. He has to be behind this!" Demetria swore.

"Deme, be careful! We don't know who this guy is!!" Dash advised.

"C'mon, we have to do this. My parents' lives could be at stake!! Please!!" Demetria pleaded, beginning to cry.

"...Alright, fine. We'll go tomorrow, okay? I want you to relax tonight, however. We both could use some sleep." Dash advised.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Alright, let's go home." Demetria agreed.

The two made their way back home toward the Wheel Well. They passed all the townsfolk who were still gathered at Flo's in the process...

"Hey, there you two are! Where are you going?" Lightning perked up.

"I'm going to take her home. She's not feeling very well." Dash assured.

"Oh? Do you need any help?" Sally asked.

"I think we just need more alone time." Dash requested.

"Alright, well, make sure you two get plentiful rest. We'll check up on you soon." Sally wished.

Dash just nodded as he escorted Demetria back up to the Wheel Well.

"This better not be another excuse to make out." Lightning muttered to himself.

"What was that?" Sally asked.

"This better not be another excuse for them to make out!" Lightning blurted out to her as silently as he could.

"Stickers! Get your hood out of the gutter." Sally yelled.

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