Chapter 19: Clashing Ideologies, Part 1

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Dash sighed as Sven and Damian began to tease him – laying out a nice picnic right in front of the starving racer.

"Boy... this oil is premium quality!" Sven teased.

"Oh, if only we could give it to our racer pal here!" Damian teased.

The two chuckled as Dash maintained a flat expression.

"Real mature, you two. Just laugh it up, why don't you?" Dash sighed.

"Oh, believe us... we already are!" Damian quipped as he and Sven began to cackle.

"Ugh, why can't there be any ways out? Think, Dash, think!" Dash thought to himself.

"What was that, hot rod?" Damian interrogated.

"Don't call me that." Dash snapped.

"Or what?" Sven teased.

"Or I can make you both... deaf!" Dash yelped.

"Pfft... You couldn't if you tried." Damian teased.

"Alright, let's give them a bit of an earful..." Dash whispered to himself.

Subsequently, he let out an ear-piercing rev in hopes to scare the two vehicles. However, not to his avail...

"I'm so scared! Won't somebody save me, please?!" Damian sarcastically mocked him.

"Is that your only party trick, hot rod?" Sven taunted.

"Stop calling me that, you... dump trucks." Dash grit his teeth.

"Dump trucks? What are you, a funny car?" Damian interrogated.

"Yeah! Wanna hear some jokes I've been working on?" Dash perked up sarcastically.

"Well, we have nothing better to do... and neither do you. Do tell us... what are these jokes you've been working on?" Damian continued to interrogate.

"You two!" Dash shouted, trying his hardest to feign some laughter.

"Very funny... That made us laugh! Not!" Sven shook his hood.

"Here, I have another one..." Dash perked up.

"Well? Do enlighten us!" Damian snapped.

"What do you get when you mix childhood trauma with innate talent?!" Dash put on a fake smile.

Damian and Sven just looked at each other awkwardly. "Well, what do 'ya get?"

"A successful career!" Dash cackled to himself, slamming a tire on the ground repeatedly in amusement. Clearly, the two criminals were not amused.

"Well, you'd make a successful career as a clown car!" Sven perked up sarcastically.

"Oh, but I already have! I seem to be surrounded by clowns!" Dash continued to cackle.

"Why, you little..." Damian grit his teeth, beginning to exhibit an aggressive expression.

"...I believe the term you're looking for is 'hot rod'!" Dash taunted.

Damian subsequently screamed and leapt forward at Dash – only to be stopped by Sven by the bumper.

"Such a short fuse with this one." Sven observed.

"Tell me about it!" Dash chuckled.

"Don't make this a friendly interaction!" Sven snapped.

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