Chapter 13: The Solution Presents Itself

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Meanwhile, at the LA penitentiary...

Dash and the McQueens had managed to get to the LA penitentiary in record time, knowing exactly what they wanted to ask. They frantically raced up to the front gates, only to be halted by a couple of security guards.

"Whoa, there! 10 mile an hour speed limit!" a guard barked.

"Sorry, I'm looking for someone! Can you help me?" Dash asked.

"What do you need?" the guard asked.

"We're looking for a friend. Did a white Mercedes come by here at all?" Dash asked.

"Yup. Yesterday." The guard said.

"Ohh, okay. Thank you." Dash sighed with relief, driving back over to the McQueens.

"So? What did the guard say?" Sally asked.

"She did come here," Dash answered.

"...and?" Sally asked.

"That was all I asked," Dash confirmed.

"Dash, c'mon. I thought you were the one who wanted to find your wife?" Lightning perked up.

"I didn't want to hassle the guard! He looks really intimidating." Dash sighed.

"Ugh, move aside, Dash. I'll give them a bit of a dose of lawyerly persuasion." Sally said.

"Ooh, here we go!" Lightning giggled.

"Okay." Dash sighed.

Sally rolled up to the guards by herself.

"Excuse me, boys." Sally entered.

"Yes, ma'am?" the guard asked.

"My friend is looking for his wife..." Sally asked.

"White Mercedes? Yeah, she was here yesterday." the guard notified.

"Oh, thank the manufacturer." Sally sighed.

"Why are we thanking him all of the sudden?" The guard asked.

"How do you know if it's a he?" Sally countered.

"Alright, what do you want?" the guard huffed.

"Did she mention where she was going at all?" Sally asked.

"We would not have a clue, miss. We have other business to tend to." The guard notified.

"Like what?" Sally questioned.

"Alright, move along now." The guard ordered.

"No, I will not. Surely one of you two knows something!" Sally interrogated.

"Ma'am, do not backchat us. We have the authority to report you to the warden." The guard barked.

"Alright, fine. My apologies." Sally apologized.

"Apology accepted." The guard said.

Sally gave up and rolled back to Dash and Lightning.

"So? Anything?" Dash asked.

"So apparently Mater was right; she did come here a few hours ago," Sally said.

"Okay! And?" Dash asked.

"They do not know where she went," Sally said.

"You didn't even hound them, did you?" Lightning asked.

"No, I didn't, Stickers!" Sally sighed.

"Alright. I'll give them a dose of the ol' 'I'm a celebrity' trick then." Lightning said.

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