Chapter 1: The Honeymooners

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There they were; in the company of each other away from home. For the first time in their married lives, they were truly alone together on their honeymoon. Just a look outside of their hotel room was an incredible view of the Las Vegas red-light district – filled with vibrant lights and vibrant personalities to boot. The two lovebirds embraced each other gratefully as they sat in front of the window – taking it all in.

"Finally, some time to ourselves – just you and me," Demetria observed, turning to Dash.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, my love," Dash responded.

"There are so many things we've yet to experience – and it all starts here!" Demetria observed.

" don't mean here in Vegas, right?" Dash shot her a concerned stare.

"No, silly. I meant in this very moment in time – with you by my side. Our journey starts in this very moment." Demetria observed.

"Oh, right! I thought you were referring to the abundance of illegal activities we could get away with here... what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right?" Dash smirked.

"Ugh, I love how that's the first thing that comes to your mind. Get your hood out of the gutter! The fun hasn't even started yet!" Demetria smirked back to him, giving him a seductive wink.

Dash chuckled nervously for a moment, knowing Demetria was in the mood once again. She inched closer and closer, trying to tempt the racer.

"Uhh, I don't think we should do it yet." Dash put on a fake smile.

"Why not? Scared that it might get a little risqué in here?" Demetria smirked, inching closer and closer.

Dash continued to wear his fake smile as he pointed Demetria's attention to the bedroom door where the McQueens stood, watching and laughing.

"A little risqué? Wow, you got confident after meeting this guy!" Sally quipped.

"Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her!" Lightning quipped to Sally, causing her to bump him with her tire.

"Stickers! You little flirt... I'll get you back for that!" Sally smirked at him.

"Oh no! Whatever will I do??" Lightning jokingly responded.

"Do you two ever knock... like, ever?!" Demetria asked, shocked but not surprised.

"It's the Radiator Springs etiquette! Just roll on in whenever you like!" Lightning barked out, causing Sally to hit him once again.

"Ow! That was harder than time!" Lightning blurted out.

"That's for last time." Sally winked.

"Hey... could you two perhaps give us some alone time for once?" Demetria requested.

"Well..." Sally hinted.

Before the McQueens could respond; Mater, the Sheriff, Rush, and Jim all came up behind them to see what was happening...

"Oh, the rookie sensation is getting it on with the doctor!" Rush blurted aloud.

"Get 'er done!" Mater responded.

"Mater, not the right time." the Sheriff tapped Mater on the fender.

"Oops... sorry," Mater whispered back.

"Sure! Let yourselves in, why don't you?!" Demetria sarcastically quipped, beginning to get a little antsy.

She would regret her choice of words however as the group of cars all swarmed in and made themselves at home.

"Boy, this sure is a comfortable room! I wish we had one this good..." Sally quipped, intending for Lightning to overhear her.

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