Chapter 10: Whereabouts

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Present Day

The sun began to creep its way over the clouds, boasting an otherworldly array of sun rays. The wind was quaint and bountiful – and so was the townsfolk's sleep that previous night.

Dash's eyes began to open, adjusting to the tangerine light seeping its way into his room. He was slightly entranced by the sunrise, but it became such a familiar sight to him at that point. His eyes wandered to the dresser for a brief moment, catching a glimpse of a picture that lay on it. He shook his hood for a moment in confusion – unsure if he was just tired or if he was seeing things.

"Hey, Deme, what's that picture doing on the dresser..." Dash perked up.

There was no response.

"Wow, looks like someone is grumpy this morning, huh?" Dash chuckled.

He awaited backlash of some sort to occur... but it never came.

"Deme, what's gotten into you?" Dash turned around.

His eyes widened as he looked over – Demetria nowhere to be found.

"Agh. She must be in the kitchen." Dash thought to himself.

He rolled off of his mat and softly opened the door, letting himself roll down to the kitchen.

Once he arrived there, however, Demetria was still nowhere to be seen.

He began to breathe a bit heavier; anxiety beginning to induce itself within him.

He raced back up to his room and swung the door open, still attempting to not wake the McQueens, however.

"Alright, nice try, Deme. I'm not falling for this!" Dash chuckled, looking around a bit more frantically.

He did a double-take on the picture that lay atop of the dresser, rolling over to inspect it.

"What's this?" he asked himself as he took a closer look...

It was a picture of the two lovebirds on their honeymoon – beaming as wide as they could possibly beam. He smiled at the picture, before noticing that there was writing on the back of it. He flipped it over and began reading the message...

To my Dash – my guide, my hero, and my one true love. If you're reading this, I've gone to find my parents. Please, don't blame yourself for any of this. I'm so very thankful that you helped me yesterday as best as you could – but this is an endeavor that I must do on my own. This could very well be a dangerous mission, but it's one I must take. It's long overdue. Please, understand this when you read this message. If I don't come back – know that this was never your fault. I love you endlessly and I hope to see you again soon. – Love, Demetria.

"Damnit. DAMNIT!" Dash cursed, which turned into a full-blown blurt-out.

"What the hell?!" Lightning yelled in the other room.

"Damnit." Dash cursed under his exhaust.

He heard the McQueens frantically rolling toward his room, throwing the door open upon their arrival.

"What's going on, Dash?" Sally asked, tired but a bit annoyed.

"Demetria's gone." Dash sighed.

"What do you mean 'gone'?" Lightning asked.

"Gone! Off to find her parents, I assume." Dash blurted out.

"What?! How do you even know that?" Sally questioned.

Dash didn't respond – he just held up the picture of him and Demetria.

"...what's this?" Sally asked.

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