About 'The Demetrian Value'

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Are you still here? Excellent. So, how did this story come about, I hear you ask?

Well, none of you actually asked but I felt I had to do so anyway.

I guess the creation of this story starts with the last one I did - 'The Dash to Victory'. So, if you haven't read that - read it now! Otherwise, you won't understand a single thing mentioned here.

So, I basically felt a continued inspiration to write yet another story about my fictional anthropomorphic creations; Dash and Demetria. I felt like these were both extremely strong characters and that they'd deserve a story each based alone on past events I had established for them.

Seeing that Demetria had grown quite a bit since meeting Dash - I had a lot of ideas when coming into this story. I wanted to explore the themes of her childhood - as well as some darker themes than even the last story. I also wanted to make her the central focus of the story as well. We had heard many events from Dash's perspective in the last book - so it was time to hear from her.


Are you still here? That's also excellent!

Enjoy some complimentary bonus chapters (/ outtakes!) as a personal 'thank you' for reading my story. I am ever grateful for your time!

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