Chapter 29: Abandon All Hope, Part 1

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Demetria opened her eyes and awoke. She had not a single clue as to where she was until...

"Demetria, so good to have you in our clutches once again." a familiar voice said.

"That voice... I know that voice." Demetria said to herself.

"You should... because it's of one you've taken everything from." the voice hinted.

"...Nettes?" Demetria asked.

"The very same," he confirmed.

"Nettes?!" Demetria shouted, shuffling around. However, restraints were denying her from doing anything. "What are you doing Nettes?"

"Something I should've done a long time ago." Nettes said.

"Learned not to use clichés every single damn time you speak?" Demetria quipped.

"What? No. I'm going to rid you Boltarius' of my concern... and your lives." Nettes said.

"How predictable... I could not have predicted this!" Demetria quipped.

"Baby, don't sink down to his level. That's how he wins..." Dash advised weakly.

"Dash, thank the Manufacturer... you're alive." Demetria sighed happily.

"Not for much longer," Dash advised.

"What are you doing to us?!" Demetria barked to Nettes.

"Ridding you both of your lives. I just said that." Nettes repeated.

"What about my parents, huh? Was that all a ruse?" Demetria asked.

"Oh, your parents? Yeah, they're not alive. They've been long deceased." Nettes confirmed.

"You... you monster. How could you just toy with my past like that?" Demetria wept.

"Because you two took everything away from me! You have to understand." Nettes barked.

"We're not going to understand any of your rubbish, Nettes. Let us go." Demetria denied.

"About that..." Nettes hinted.

Nettes turned on a giant conveyor that began to carry the Boltarius' ever so slowly – at the end, a massive cremator. The room was lit red as it erupted with flame; the temperature skyrocketing.

"This is homicide! You don't know what you're doing." Demetria barked.

"I see this as a fit punishment. You killed my career... now I shall kill you both." Nettes scowled.

Dash slipped in and out of consciousness as the room began to feel like a hot summer's day.

"Dash, stay with me here..." Demetria pleaded.

"It's no use. No one is coming for us... we're goners." Dash sighed.

"No, we're not. We'll have backup, I promise... I hope." Demetria sighed.

"Look, if we die... I just want to say that these past few months have been the best of my life. I can't believe I... I..." Dash sighed weakly, fading in and out of consciousness.

"You what? You what? Stay with me, baby!" Demetria pleaded, shedding some tears.

"...I found my perfect one... my soulmate... my world. I never deserved this life." Dash said, also shedding some tears.

"Oh, how sweet! This only makes it better for me." Nettes laughed.

"Ignoring you," Demetria whispered to herself.

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