Chapter 37: The Idol Afar

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Present Day

Demetria froze in her spot. She had seldom felt the feelings she had now started to feel. She stared aimlessly into the sky, wide-eyed and speechless. She looked back at Dash then back to Finn.

"The blue car... from my memories... that was you?" Demetria said slowly.

"In the flesh... uhh... metal," Finn confirmed.

"So it was true? They really did sacrifice themselves?" Demetria sighed.

"Correct. A brave act of nobility only few can dare to carry out. They were true national heroes in the purest sense of the word."

"I can't believe it; they saved the queen. The American spies saved the ruler of Britain." Sally sniffled, nudging against Lightning.

"That's what I call selflessness." Lightning smirked, closing his eyes as he leaned against her as well.

"I assure you, Demetria; they'd be very proud of what you've become. Hell, I'm proud of what you've become and I haven't seen you in what... how old are you?" Finn asked.

"20," Demetria said.

" nearly 20 years! What's your profession?" Finn asked.

"I'm a doctor," Demetria admitted.

"The absolute best there is," Dash added.

"A doctor! That's wonderful! You already have the heroic traits that your parents exhibited that fateful day." Finn complimented.

"...and don't you forget it!" Dash added.

"Thanks... I guess." Demetria thanked reluctantly.

"Be proud, Demetria. Few are brave enough to be mechanical messiahs like yourself in today's day and age." Finn quipped.

"Wow. You should put that on a decal." Dash admired.

Demetria chuckled slightly upon hearing Dash's quip. Clearly, he had managed to get to her once more.

"Good idea, sport." Finn laughed.

"I'm full of those!" Dash quipped.

"That, you must be... but to digress, Demetria, I apologize for not telling you sooner." Finn apologized.

"No, it's fine. You thought I was a completely different car." Demetria chuckled.

"Well, I thought you were, Jaquelin Starforce!" Finn excused.

"Jaquelin Starforce, I love that so much." Dash laughed.

"Belay the laughter - was there anything you wanted to ask me, Demetria?" Finn asked.

"I guess... there's something that is bothering me about this all," Demetria said.

"...and what's that?" Finn asked.

"Why did you let me go? Why did you abandon me after taking me in?" Demetria asked.

"Well... that's a tough one to explain, yet I accept the challenge... you see, as a spy; my work was my life. It still is. Bringing you into it posed an ultimatum; either giving up my life and raising you as my own or continuing my work and leaving you in a more capable set of tires. In hindsight, I wished I'd kept you as my own. You were such a bright child even from when I first met you... I shouldn't have left you there." Finn acknowledged, bowing his hood low to the ground and sighing. "I'm sorry for doing so; for leaving you behind. I should have known better."

"Thank you for acknowledging that..." Demetria thanked. "...but I wouldn't change a thing."

"You what now?" Finn raised his hood swiftly.

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