"Not many? haha.."
You sighed and Gina wrapped her arms around you.
"Lighten up! Like I said, I do it all the fucking time and it wears off at the end of school" She grinned.
"It lasts all day?! I'm gonna have to suffer all through my classes? I'm not gonna be able to concentrate!! Are there any ways to make it go by quicker?!" You pleaded with her and her face reddened.
"Don't look at me like that! Anyways.. masturbating definitely won't work, you'll be at it for hours trying to get off"
You covered your face embarrassed.
"Okay okay! Drink water, use the bathroom and.." She pulled out some suckers. "This candy should help"
You popped one in your mouth and the bell rung.
"Shit!" You both rushed back to your classes and grabbed your bag.You walked into your next class which you had with Ty.
"Hey girl!" He grinned and patted your back. You shivered.
"Hi Ty.."
"You okay? You don't look so hot"
"I'm fine.." You walked to the back of the class and continued to suck on your candy. The class went by brutally slow and you had to use the bathroom. Immediately when the bell rung you rushed out without a word.
After using the bathroom you felt even more sensitive. The worse happened and you were stopped in the hall by Bren."Hello Y/n~"
You tried to ignore and walk pass him but he grabbed your arm. You shivered again and looked away. Your senses were heightened and could feel every hair stand up.
"You don't seem so well~"
He pushed you in a corner.
You could hear Brens breathing mixed with yours.
"Leave me alone.."
"Speak up~ I couldn't hear you" He titled your chin up and your body was shaking. "Are those tears I see?"
Bren grinned and you gulped. All kinds of thoughts were flowing through your head as your body ached for attention. Bren was analyzing you trying to figure out what was wrong and suddenly his eyes widened and he smirked.
"Oh..~""The fuck?!"
Gina came out of nowhere and pushed him aside. "What the hell did I say about talking to her you piece of shit!!"
Bren rolled his eyes while you and Gina walked away.
"Y/n what the hell? Stop being so damn submissive!! Be dominant like me~" She grinned.
"I-I am dominant!" You yelled flustered and she rolled her eyes.
"Where's your class?"
You showed her and she saw her brother walk in.
"That's perfect! If you're so fucking dominant my brothers an easy target!"
"I'm not targeting anyone!"
She rolled her eyes, "Boring.. anyways you just have this class, lunch and then that class with me and that annoying blonde dude. The pills should wear off by then"
You nodded and she handed you more candy. As you walked away Gina yelled, "Go get em tiger!!"This is so embarrassing..
You walked in the classroom and sat beside Ivan. You exchanged words but nothing after that.
"Alright class! You can work on your project with your partner!" The teacher yelled filling you with dread.
You faced Ivan and he started talking about the project. Your vision began to blur and you felt light headed.
"Are you okay?" Ivan asked and you nodded.This is fucking annoying but all I can think about is.. ugh..
You shifted in your chair uncomfortably and Mire began popping in your head. How he teased and caressed your body and how you loved it. How he would lust for you. You wondered how often he felt this way about you. You wanted to know all the things he wanted to do to you. How long has he been holding himself back? You could barely contain yourself as of right now..
"Y/n? Did you hear me?"
You nodded.
Ivan continued talking about the project as you looked at him blankly. His black hair and dark eyes began looking familiar. He was usually so quiet but now was talking normally about school work. He had a small smirk as he wrote down some notes making your eyes widen.Am I imagining things?
Your heart beat quickened and you moved your hand over to his thigh.
You turned his cheek and kissed him. You rubbed your hand up to his tucked shirt pulling it out. Ivan grabbed your arms and pulled them away.
"W-What are you doing??"
"You don't want too~?" You frowned and Ivan's face flushed.
"I.. umm, w-well.." Ivan started stuttering and you giggled.
"But you said you loved me.." You trailed your finger on his buttons.
"W-What are you talking about?" That's when you looked into Ivans nervous eyes and snapped back into reality.
"Ah! Omg I'm so sorry!" You fumbled out and Ivan fixed his uniform quickly.
"It's okay.."The rest of the class was awkward and the bell rung for lunch.
You walked in the cafeteria to Gina and Ty talking. They seemed more friendly than earlier.
When you walked over Gina grinned and tapped the seat beside her.
"I don't fucking know what's different with these pills but Ty's looking a little.." She bit her lip and you laughed. You saw Ivan come in quietly and sit down. You blushed deeply and Gina looked at you suspiciously.
"You're so cute~!" She grinned and kissed your cheek.
"Stop joking around.." You told her flustered and she smiled."I'm fixing to go over there with my football buddies."
Ty stood up suddenly, wasting ice water on you.
"Watch what you're fucking doing!" Gina yelled at him and he apologized. He quickly grabbed napkins and started trying to dry you off.
"I-It's okay! I got it.." You told him but
he continued to wipe you off.
You gulped and covered your embarrassed face. Everything felt so sensitive as he kept trying to rub the water off. You mistakenly let out a moan and everyone paused including you.

Anything for you (Obsessive bf x F reader)
HorrorHe's obsessed with you, that's what you want right? ⚠️ All these characters are mine and therefore not a fan fiction! These are my original work and copy right will not be tolerated ⚠️ Buy the story in my bio!