Day 1 start

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"Don't open that bottom drawer~"

You were looking at each other. Mire could see the fear in your eyes.
"Come here.. please"
You stood up and went to hop over to him but he stopped you.

"Walk on both legs"
You frowned but did as told.
Every time you stepped on your injured foot, you winced and he watched.
You made it over to the bed and he grabbed and sat you on his lap.

"Give me the phone"
"Why can't I-
"Why?" He raised his voice a tad, "Why do you need a phone? Huh? Too talk to people? You have me to talk too!"
You realized how far his obsession would go.

You hated that you agreed with the same thought process.
Why would you need friends when I can be your only friend?

"You just won't listen will you?"
"I'm sorry.."
He started touching your hair.
"You're making this so hard on me.. why? You're making me want to reconsider our deal" He frowned and looked down at you.
"No! I'll be good I promise!"
"You know I won't care canceling it.. I'd love to keep you here forever~"
"You can't! people will look for me! What about school?"
"Don't tell me you forgot? We have a whole week off for Thanksgiving break" He grinned, "And I've already wrote a letter of you staying with a friends all week. I put it in your room when you snuck out~"

You were dazed.
"Not that your parents care, one less mouth to feed.." You placed your hands on his chest upset. "I despise them..
I hate your friends too.. I want them dead.."
You looked up at Mire.
"I won't kill them.. yet~" He chuckled ominously.
He laid down and wrapped his arms around you. Mires hand trailed and squeezed your thigh, making you jump.
He laugh quietly.

"You're so cute when your nervous..~"


You woke up to Mire staring at you.
"Creep.." You turned the other way and he flipped you around.
"So cute.." He mumbled in awe. "You hungry? I made pancakes"
"Not hungry, You probably poisoned them.."
"Geez you smell like.." He made a disgusted face and you sat up quickly embarrassed.
"You smell like bullshit! I heard your stomach rumbling" He shot you a look.

"I need a shower.."
You realized you hadn't bathed and you didn't exactly smell clean after what happened last night.
"Why?? You smell so good.."
Mire started sniffing you and you pushed him away.
"Stoppp" You said both embarrassed and creeped out.
"Fine.. I'll show you to the bathroom"

Mire lifted you up bridal style.
There were two doors in his room besides the entrance. One a closet and you guess the other was a bathroom.
He walked inside and sat you on the toilet.
"Wanna shower together I've always wanted too.."
"Can I watch?? Please please" He practically begged.

Your face heated, "No way perv!"
Mire sighed.
"That's okay.." He walked infront of you and grazed his finger up your thigh. He pulled the oversized shirt up a bit.
You shivered.
"Eventually.. You'll give in, and you'll be begging for me~"
"In your dreams~" You smirked and his eyes sparked.

Mire left the bathroom after cutting the hot water on for you. You didn't put to much pressure on your hurt ankle. You let the hot water trickle down your skin as you exhaled. There "coincidentally" was an extra purple loofa you used.
You felt calm in the hot shower.
This would be your first out of seven days with Mire.

It can't be that bad? He actually makes me feel wanted.. needed..
He gives me attention yet keeps me on edge wanting more..

You shook away the thoughts and hopped out the shower. There was a towel and some of the clothes from your house.
"What the.."
They were folded perfectly with a new pair of bra and panties in between.
You put the clothes on and looked at the outfit Mire picked for you.
"You've gotta be kidding me"
He picked out the shortest skirt you had and a ripped crop top. Your undergarments were a Royal Red and could easily be seen when you bent over.

You limped out the bathroom to Mire sitting on the bed.
"Why!" you yelled.
"Tsk tsk tsk, you shouldn't own such foul clothing. This is your punishment" He shook his head.
"Punishment?? I'll just get some of your clothes then!"

You sped over to his closet and he grabbed and pinned you on the bed. You tried to push but his strength wouldn't allow you to budge.
"Of course.. I could find other ways to punish you sweetheart~" Mire smirked.
"F-Fine.." You looked away blushing.
"Good choice! now let's go eat"

He picked you up bridal and took you downstairs to the kitchen.
You analyzed your surroundings and his place was huge.

Where is his family?

He sat you at the table and laid a plate of pancakes infront if you.
Mire had decorated them, putting a heart on top.
He placed the syrup on the table and sat in front of you as he watched you eat.
"So.. cute.. mine" Your stalker mumbled to himself but you ignored him.

As you were almost done he leaned his head in his hand and smirked.
"You know doll.. My favorite color is red~"
"What's your point?" You antagonized.
"To be precise.. Royal Red~"


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