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Looks like I have no choice..

You slipped the shorts under your skirt and Gina placed the helmet on your head.
"Hop on!" She grinned sticking her tongue out.
You slowly got behind her.
The motor started and your held on to her tightly by the waist.
She took off with no warning and started laughing as you screamed. Her long straight hair blew in your face, blinding you, making the whole ride more terrifying.
By the time you made it to the school, everyone was walking into breakfast.

"That was fun!" She hopped off giggling, "I bet I have a fucking bruise the way you were clinging to me so tightly"
You got off the bike shaking and handed Gina her helmet back. You walked pass her without saying a word.
"Heyyyyy!! No thank you? It wasn't that scary" She grinned and caught up to you walking.
"I could've swore you almost hit someone Gina!!"
"Calm down.. they shouldn't have been on the fucking road"
"They were on the sidewalk!!"
You and Gina walked into the cafeteria still nagging at each other. You saw Ivan and Ty at the same table. Ivan was sitting down awkwardly as Ty stood above him talking away.

"Fuck.." Gina said suddenly and stormed over to the table.
You followed behind her.
"You better not be fucking bullying my little brother or so fucking help me!" She grabbed Ty by the collar.
"Chill girl.. what are you talking about??" Ty held his hands up innocently.
"Gina calm down.. he's my friend" Ivan spoke softly.
"I'm sorry.. little?? Brother???"
You were shocked.
"Oh you don't know?" Gina wrapped her arm around Ivan shoulders. "This little anonamamoly is my brother!"
"It's anomaly" Ivan said quietly.
"Shut the hell up!" She yelled.
"Wait.. little brother?? Gina how old are you?"
"I'm a senior! What do I look that young?" She smirked.
"No.. you look dumb. She's just in younger classman classes" Ivan muttered and Gina smacked him in the head.
"Anyways I'm like 2 years older.. not that it matters" She scratched her ear and looked at Ty. "Your friends with.. this guy? I can't believe you have friends"

I can see how she could've mistaken Ty for bullying Ivan.

"Ty's like the nicest person. He'd never do that" You stated and Ty's face lit up.
"Y/n your hairs kinda messed up" Ty pointed out ignorantly meaning no harm.
"Yea! We rode on my bike.. Even though her hairs messed up she's still hot right?" Gina smiled and began to walk away. "I'm finna get some drinks, the way you were yelling I bet your throat is fucking dry.."

You sat down beside Ivan and you all talked.
"I can't believe Ginas being nice.. it's unlike her" Ivan mumbled.
"It's hard to believe you guys are siblings.. I mean I kinda see it"
"Yep.. Gina and Ivan Valentin. She looks like my dad and I.. um look like my mom.."
You started analyzing Ivan.
His black hair hung in his face. He had pale skin and he was really thin. His uniform was baggy but well kept. Gina was like a total polar opposite. She was always smiling and lit up with a bad temper while Ivan was kept to himself and nervous.
"I can't believe dad let her get those piercings and dye her hair.." Ivan caught you staring. "I-Is there something on my face?"
"Oh no!" You laughed and Ty joined for some reason.

When Gina came back she gave you a cup of water. She waited for you to drink it and you found it suspicious.
"You didn't bring us drinks?" Ty asked her.
"What? Hell no get your own! Do I look like your fucking maid??!" She yelled and the bell rung.
You all split ways for your first class.
The day was going by calmly when you suddenly got a headache.
Your face was heated and you were breathing heavily. You waited to see if it would go away but it only got worse. You raised your hand to go to the bathroom and left the class.
As you were walking down the hall you saw Gina.

"Woahhh, you look like you just ran a fucking marathon"
"What are you doing in the hallway??"
"Oh I'm totally skipping"
"I feel weird.. I think I have a fever or something" You panted and Gina smiled.
"Oh it's just kicking in"
"What?? What's kicking in Gina?!"
"Okay don't be mad but I totally put some viagra pills in your water.."
"YOU DID WHAT?!" You yelled and she shushed you.
"Calm down before a teacher comes" She patted your head.
"Why would you do that?!"
"I do it all the timeeee, doesn't it keep you on edge?!" She grinned.
"Okay but why'd you spike MY drink"
"Because I thought it would be good bestfriend bonding" She mumbled showing her soft side.
"You thought this was bonding?!" You yelled.
"Come onnn, It's fine! It's just exciting! It keeps your panties wet!" She stuck out her tongue and did a peace sign.
"I don't HAVE panties!" You spat.
"Whatttt?? I should definitely try that! I didn't know you were that type~" She giggled and you sighed. "Either way we're in this together it's gonna be fun!"
"Gina this is my first time taking a pill! You spiked me, that's illegal!"
"I've done worse stuff" She shrugged, "I can't believe it took those pills that long to kick in"
"Those pills?! How many were there Gina???"
She smiled nervously, "Not many? haha.."

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