Netflix, no chill

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You wake up to the smell of breakfast. You wrap a blanket around you and head down stairs.
You felt the wound below your breast sting as you moved but you ignored it.
You walked in the kitchen to Mire cooking grits, eggs and bacon.
He had on an apron with a red heart and the words 'sexy chef'.

"What the fuck.." You laughed and he turned.
You just sat down and continued to laugh. He placed a plate in front of you, "eat".
You obligated since you were starving.

Tomorrow is Sunday.. we go back to school Monday. Today's my last full day.

You felt mixed emotions.
You looked up at Mire who was watching you eat.

He's on edge.. I can tell

"How is it? After you're done, you can take your shower. Get dressed comfy we're gonna spend time together!" He grinned with infatuated eyes.
"Don't we already do that.." You mumbled under your breath.
"What'd ya say?!"

You finished your food and after taking a shower you threw on one of Mires shirts and a pair of shorts.
When you opened the door Mire was standing infront of it. He was also surprised when it swung open.
"You pervert!"
"I was fixing to knock on the door!!" He rolled his eyes and then smirked, "I can show you how much of a pervert I am though~"

You sped past him and into the living room.
There was popcorn and hot chocolate sitting on the table infront of you with blankets. The tv was sitting on Netflix waiting for a movie to be picked.
You sat on the couch and waited for Mire to come down.
When he finally came down he had on red pajama pants and a black tank top.

You took notice that Mire never wrapped up his wounds after taking off the bandages. It gave you chills.
He hopped on the couch beside you and scooped you in his arms.
"Let go of me!" you exclaimed flustered.
"Why" Mires monotones voice caught you off guard and you didn't reply.
He took the remote and went to the movie 'Scream 1996'

Does he know.. wait that's weird, no way he would know I thought the guys in this movie were hot.. no way

The movie started and after a while when Billy Loomis appeared you glanced over at Mire.
He was smirking of course.
"Let's watch something else.." You suggested.
"It's too gorey"
"Not really.." He rolled his eyes.
"What's your problem?!"
"Nothing sweetheart, what do you want to watch then?" he spoke passive aggressively.

He just wants to get a reaction out of me and he's mad he can't.

There was awkward silence until he bursted out laughing.
"Okay Y/n, this is exactly why I love you"
He cut on spongebob and you both sat their and watched 5 whole seasons together.
You both were dying of laughter and there was popcorn all over the ground from throwing it at each other.
When you both finally stopped laughing mire looked at the time.

"Two hours until our dinner reservation. Damn that went by fast" He wrapped his arm around you.
"Oh I almost forgot about that.." you mumbled.
Mire hummed and smiled in response. He started staring at you and mumbling to himself again.
"Mire.. Can I ask you some questions?"
His eyebrows raised.
"Of course but.. why?"
"I'm just curious.." You looked at him with pleading eyes and he looked away scratching his head.
"Fine, but for every question you have to give me a kiss but in a different spot"
He gave you a look and you laughed it off.
"F-Fine.. anyways" You planted a kiss on his cheek and he covered his smiling face with one hand.
"Where is your family?"
Mire stopped smiling and looked up with an annoyed expression.
"Fucking hell, next question"

Guess i'm not mentioning that topic again.

You kissed his neck this time.
"When's your birthday?"
"February 14th"
"Valentines day?!" You asked shocked.
"Sadly yes. I know your birthday too by the way!" He grinned grabbing your wrists.
"Haha" You laughed nervously and changed the subject, "What do you mean sadly?"
"Oh.." He let go of your wrists and played with your hair. "I guess it isn't sad anymore.."

You kissed the tip of his fingers and he stiffened. "How come you don't go to my school if you're so in love with me?" You teased.
He rolled his eyes, "Don't even get me started. Fuck those people, I'll stab them. But I need to graduate and get a good job so I can support both of us~" He kissed your hand and you blushed.
"The school I go to is a way better school than yours anyways.. Y/n I love you but you're not that bright~" He teased and you hit him.
"I'm joking doll~"

You kissed his lips this time and he grabbed your face holding you. You squirmed as he stuck his tongue in your mouth before releasing you.
"Sorry I couldn't help myself~"
"Um.. anyways, don't you feel bad about.. you know.. killing people?"
He placed his hand on your cheek.
"No, especially if it's for you"


It was finally time to get ready.
Mire went in the closet and pulled out a beautiful red silk dress. It had red rhinestones at the top with lace.
"Look what I bought for you darling~ You can wear it with the necklace I bought you! I guess I gotta buy you some earrings to match huh?" He put it in your lap and you looked at it stunned.
"Mire it's beautiful.. how much was it?"
"I'll never tell"
You got up to change in the bathroom.
"Where are you going sweetheart?"


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