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You then realized how wrong the situation looked.
"It's not what it looks like!" You said alloud.

Ty looked confused, as usual.
Bren hummed and smirked. "I know.. you're way too innocent for such a scandal"

Bren thought for a second, "Tay your girlfriend is looking for you"
"It's Ty"
"Whatever, she said she had a surprise for you"
Ty smiled and dipped out the room leaving you and Bren alone.

You gulped.
Bren looked at you.
His blue eyes pierced yours and he smirked. They analyzed you top to bottom giving you chills.
He was at the top of all classes and came from a very wealthy family.
Nobody knew what he was ever thinking.

"Y/n.. are you familiar with the term, something bad must happen for something good to happen?"
You nodded yes.
He came close to you and you backed up. Your legs hit the end of the bed making you sit down. He towered over you with the same cheeky grin he has had all night.

"You intrigue me, despite the class you come from~"
You gritted your teeth, "Class? You're a snob!"
You felt like a child saying those words. He chuckled, "Is that any way to treat your savior?"

Bren saved me from drowning??

"But then again.. I am the reason you needed saving~"
You shot up and pushed him out the way. He grabbed you and span you around.
"I can apologize if you say thank you" His hands gently wrapped your wrists.

"Let go" You demanded.
He let go, lifting his hands up as if he was innocent.
You wanted to leave, you wanted to go back home.

Fuck everyone at this point, I'm leaving.


You went out the back door.

Will anyone even notice I left?

You felt a wave of despair wash over you. You wished you had never came. You dreaded leaving the house again. You just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up.

It's the same thing everyday.. No one cares about me. Why can't I just disappear? I thought I was special.. Don't I deserve happiness? Why do I have to be jealous?

All these thoughts were washing through your head as you took your first step in the forest.

Little did you know what lied ahead.

Present time

He was at the party..
I know him.. you knew there was something off about him.

"You're insane!"
His hands wrapped around your neck.
You struggled to get out his grip and couldn't breathe. Everything was going dark. The last thing you heard were the words he said.

"And you love it~"

You blacked out.


You woke up with your throat hurting, both from strangulation and almost drowning.
You were being carried over someone's shoulder in the woods.
Your wrists were tied together with rope.

What is happening?? omg.. I don't think he's noticed I'm awake. Where am I?

You decided to attack.
You kicked your kidnapper and was dropped to the ground.
You tried to get up but as soon as you pressed on your swollen ankle, a shock of pain went through your body and you fell on the crumbled leaves.

Your kidnapper winced and stood above you.
You tried to scream but no noise came out. Your throat hurt so bad.
"Oh geez Y/n.."
He went to touch you and you flinched causing him to stop.
"You must be in a lot of pain.. Don't
worry we're almost there" His nice words irked your skin.
You kicked him in the face causing his lip to bleed.

He groaned in pain and looked at you. His eyes full of rage.
They scared you, intimidating you.
Making you want to apologize.
He pushed his black hair back and chuckled.
"This won't do doll"
He grabbed a rope from his bag and grabbed your legs, trying to tie them.

"Crazy bastard" You managed to coarsely get out as you kicked.
He gripped your twisted ankle tightly making you wince and whimper.
He looked at you and tears of pain filled your eyes.
"Good girl~"

He started tying your ankles up gently and you noticed he stopped. You looked up and he was staring at your partially lifted up skirt.
Your face heated.
"Purple huh?" He looked at you with intrigued brown eyes.
"You're drooling pervert" You said with your throat stinging.
He chuckled and threw you back over his shoulder.

You were in too much pain to fight back. You ended up falling back asleep.


You woke up abruptly to a cold breeze.
You were in a dark room and you had chains on your wrists.
"You look so beautiful"


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