Flashback 12 hours
You turned to the sound of your best friends voice.
"You're coming to my party right???" She hugged your arm and you laughed awkwardly.
"You know my parents.."
She sighed."I have an idea!" She spoke.
Her black straight hair fell past her shoulders. She always wore eyeliner to make her eyes stand out.
"Sneak out!"
"What are you crazy?!" You giggled.
"No i'm serious.. I want you to meet my boyfriend! He's so sweet and a whole bunch of people are going to be there!" She sent you all the details on your phone."Please Please Please" She begged.
You thought for a moment and found it as an excuse to dress up cute.
"Fine i'll sneak out.. You better not do what you always do" You rolled your eyes.
"Y/n what are you talking about?" She pulled out a hand mirror fixing her make up.She always tried to hook you up with some weird guy, despite you not wanting too.
"It's at 10 be there!" She blew you a kiss before strutting to class.You sighed and smiled under your breath as you took books out your locker.
You felt the presence of being watch but didn't bother to turn around.
You were used to it, you got stares all the time since you were quite attractive.
Atleast you hoped that was the reason.The bell rung and everyone scattered to class. You sat in your classroom staring out the window calmly..
Fast forward to 9:45 pm
It was 15 minutes before the party.
"Dammit what do I wear??"
Clothes were thrown around your room as you looked for an outfit.
You decided on Jeans with a black crop top and your favorite zip up Jacket. You grabbed your favorite pair of shoes and threw them on. You made sure your phone was charged before leaving.Everyone is sleep.
The house was quiet and you took the opportunity to climb out your window.
Luckily your best friends house was a 20 minute walk from your place.
"If I crank the car, it'll wake the whole house up" You sighed beginning to walk down the trail.
You looked at the bright full moon.
"It's so pretty.."20 minutes later
You finally arrived. It didn't feel like long. Your best friends house was lit up with music blasting through every open window and door.
"Oh boy.."You walked inside and she was the first to great you.
"Y/n!! You made it!" She grinned tipsy.
"You're drinking?!?"
"Shhhhh" She giggled.It wasn't a surprise. She got everything she wanted since her family was rich. Her house was like a mansion and you could only assume her parents were out of town.
"Did you take that from your dads cabinet?"
"Calm down Y/n.. You're totally killing the mood" She rolled her eyes, "Oh yea! Meet my boyfriend. Introduce yourselves"Beside her was a tall male with tight curls. His body was very muscular and he had a smile on his face.
He must play on a sports team.
"Hi I'm Y/n. Your girlfriends, best friend" You stuck out a hand.
"Nice to meet you, She talks about you a lot" He seemed polite enough. "I'm-He was cut off by a loud crashing sound.
"HEY WHOS BREAKING SHIT" Your bestfriend yelled.
She grabbed her boyfriends hand and went to investigate the sound.
You followed them and it was the Jocks making a mess."Sorry.. we'll fix it" One smiled cheekily.
"Geez don't worry about it" She sighed. "LETS PARTY!"
A blonde boy walked up to y'all."Glad you could make it Bren" Your bestfriend said to him.
His blue eyes darted over to you and back to her stunning you for a moment.
He held his hand out to you.
"Bren. And yours?"
"Y/n, nice to meet you?" You shook his hand hesitantly and he chuckled.Your bestfriend and her boyfriend snuck off leaving you alone.
You'd decide to go out to the pool where everyone was at.
"Excuse me, Excuse me" You said squeezing through people.Someone had grabbed your shoulder.
You turned your head quickly and it was your bestfriends boyfriend.
"Sorry if I startled you" He chuckled.
"Where is..?"
"Oh she went to get us drinks." He motioned you to come sit on the outside couch. "I never got to fully introduce myself, I'm Ty"
"Hi Ty" You laughed in union."Wooohh!" The Jocks were jumping off the diving board.
Your bestfriend came back with alcohol and everyone started throwing down.
"Hey you.. Y/n correct?"
Bren walked up to you.
"Have a drink" He smirked.
"Ah no, I don't drink" You smiled nervously.His attitude changed.
"Oh cmonnnn~ One drink won't kill you" He wrapped his arm around you.
"GUYS WE HAVE A NON DRINKER"All the Jocks heads turned towards you. Their upbeat attitudes beaming through their smiles and laughter.
"What no way!"
"Is that Y/n?"
"You gotta have a drink girl!!"
"Here let's pour her up one, you won't regret it!"Bren hid his smirk.
"Um no it's really okay" You laughed it off.
"Here take it!" One of the Jocks handed you a cup.
"Chug Chug Chug Chug!!"
They all chanted.You gulped and gave into the peer pressure. You chugged it. It burned your throat the whole way down.
You gasped for air afterwards and everyone cheered.Bren had disappeared soon after and your bestfriend was all over Tys lap drunk.
You decided to go back inside since your head was pounding.As you were walking around the pool, an elbow nudged you hard.
Next thing you knew, you were engulfed in water.And the story begins

Anything for you (Obsessive bf x F reader)
HorrorHe's obsessed with you, that's what you want right? ⚠️ All these characters are mine and therefore not a fan fiction! These are my original work and copy right will not be tolerated ⚠️ Buy the story in my bio!