"You ready?"
You looked over to Mire and nodded. You both walked inside the mall and it was huge! Your eyes lit up and Mire look as though he had a scowl.
"Where should we go first??"
"Wherever you want darling~"You smiled and grabbed his hand.
Mire blushed and covered his mouth as you dragged him to a near by store.
You started finding and throwing cute clothes in the basket.
When you went to check out, Mire pulled out his credit card and paid for it."Are we done?"
"No way we just went to one store!"
You both walked out and started talking to each other when you bumped into someone.
Their drink waste all over your hoodie and it was soaked.
"Watch where you're going lady" some rude man in his 30s nagged at you.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry"
"You better be! You owe me a new drink!"
Mire stepped infront of you calmly and smiled at the man.
"What do you want freak?!"Mire suddenly grabbed his shirt with a death glare. The man couldn't fight against his strength despite being 2x Mires size.
"Mire stop!! I wasn't paying attention!"
Mire leaned forward and whispered something in the mans ear which made his face go pale.
He let the man go and he scurried away."Cmonnn~ It was just a joke~" Mire grinned with a chuckle.
"Why would you do that??!?" You exclaimed shocked.
"Oh Geez doll.. You're all wet" He frowned, "Not that I'm complaining.."
You lifted your hoodie and took it off to reveal your white tank top underneath.
Mire face heated but quickly looked around.
"This is exactly why I fucking hate public places.."The next store you went to, Mire started a scene.
"What the hell do you mean I can't go in the changing room with her?!" He slammed his hand on the stall door.
"I-I'm sorry sir it's against policy"
"Policy?!? Don't you know I'm her fucking boyfriend?!"
"Mire stop it.." You scolded.
"This fucking bitch.. I-
"MIRE" You yelled his name which echoed through the store.You grabbed him by the arm and dragged him outside.
"What's wrong with you?!"
"What's wrong with me?? Couldn't you tell that bitch didn't want us together?"You realized just how insane Mire was.. How insane he was for you.
"Come on let's leave" He scoffed grabbing your hand.
You pulled your hand away.
He turned his head and had a confused expression.
"Oh what's wrong Darling? I'm sorry.. We can shop more online.." He walked closer to you but you stepped back at the same pace.
Mires eyes grew dark, "Come here"
"I um.. need to use the bathroom" You walked towards the bathrooms and he stopped you.
"I'll come with you then.."You looked at him.
Mire wasn't stupid, if anything he was very perceiving.
He was scaring you, you felt trapped.
You started running in the opposite direction and heard his footsteps behind you.
You pushed through the crowd of people and ran beside two stores.
You kept thinking to yourself,He's gonna catch me.. He's gonna catch me.. Fuck..
But then you remember the first chase you had. The excitement you felt but the fear you felt now.
Why were you afraid?
What's the difference this time?
This is what you wanted right?
Did you want a man to scare you.. or did you just love the excitement?
The feeling of being wanted and obsessed over, the feeling of someone's life revolving around you and you only.You took a right and felt someone grab your hair and press you against a wall.
"I win~"
Mire flipped you around and pinned you against the wall.
"We're you trying to escape? Did you forget you're mine~"
You felt tears building up which eventually started falling.
Mires face grew concern.
"Oh geez Y/n.. why are you crying? I'm sorry.. let's go in a few more stores okay?"
You smiled at him as he wiped away your tears.
"Okay?" He smiled.
You went in couple of more stores and were actually enjoying yourselves. Y'all
we're laughing together about the time you both had met at the party.
"Wait so we're you actually listening to those two people bang?!" You laughed.
"What! I told you I was waiting for you to come up! Do you know how annoyed I was having to listen to that shit.."
"What? you were waiting for me?"
"After the pool thing happened, I'd figured you'd go change" He chuckled.I guess he doesn't know I was pushed.
"Let's go in this store~" Mire didn't give you a chance to answer before pulling you in a lingerie store.
"W-Why would I wanna come in here?!" You spoke flustered.
He didn't answer, instead he took you to the section with all the red clothes.
He picked up a red lace and covered his face blushing.
"Why are you the one blushing perv?!"
"I imagined you wearing it.."You started scolding him while he laughed until you were interrupted.
"Uh ma'am.."
"What is it"
Mires death threatening glare shook the woman.
"I-I was just going to say.. you are both allowed in the dressing room, if you'd like to try it on.. I-If you want"
Mire looked at you excited.
"Oh really~?"<3

Anything for you (Obsessive bf x F reader)
HorrorHe's obsessed with you, that's what you want right? ⚠️ All these characters are mine and therefore not a fan fiction! These are my original work and copy right will not be tolerated ⚠️ Buy the story in my bio!