"Is there a locked door anywhere?"
You thought about when you played hide and seek together.
Were there any hidden or locked doors?
You checked the bottom floor and then upstairs again. You huffed and was about to give up until you remembered the basement. You made your way infront of the door and looked down the dark stairs.
You thought of the dripping blood that you had slipped on.
You crept lower and lower and when you made it to the bottom you flipped on the light switch.It had been cleaned, scrubbed and there was no sign of anything irregular.
You felt sick and looked around.
"Just boxes.."
There were some more stacked against the wall suspiciously. You began moving them and to your surprise there was a door!
"Found it!" You unlocked the door and swung it open. "What the.."
There was absolutely nothing in the room....
"Mire what the hell!" You opened the door yelling.
He didn't react. His wrists were bruised and bleeding from trying to break out of the cuffs.
"Mire there was nothing is that room.. what the hell do you mean don't open the bottom drawer??"
He didn't respond.
You sighed frustratedly.
"Fine be like that"
Your stomach grumbled and you realized you hadn't ate. Mires body flinched at the sound but he remained silent.Usually Mire would cook in the mornings.. then he would clean up afterwards.
Your stomach turned.
You went over to him and grabbed his face.. forcing him to look at you.
His lip was bleeding from biting it so hard. His eyes were sunken and watery. He looked at you dully.
"I'm gonna leave now.."
He bit his lip again and scowled.
"We have school tomorrow so.." You placed the keys to the handcuff's in one of his hands.
"I'm sure you'll manage to uncuff them.."
You backed away and he didn't move.
Before leaving you changed into some jeans and a shirt. Mire didn't even look at you.
You looked at Mire again and he was still limp. You thought he was dead."Dammit Mire!" You went over to him for the last time and wiped the blood from his lips. You kissed one last time and you finally left the room.
You ran down the stairs.
You ran out the house and the sun beamed on your face.
You didn't know where to go.
"Shit should've grabbed those keys.. wait.. I just need to find that rose trail and I'll know where I'm going"It took a while but you finally found it. You walked down the trail with mixed emotions until you came to a familiar area. You ran all the way too your house and burst through the door.
"Finally your back, now you can go wash those damn dishes!"
You're mom was sitting on the couch as usual.You didn't even get a chance to relax. You went straight to washing dishes, afterwards you put on a load of clothes.
You finally made it to your room and laid flat on your bed. It was hard and old but it was your bed.
You were so sleepy and was drifting off when your mom called you in the living room.
"Get my food out the microwave and cut the Tv on" She demanded.
You huffed aggravated.
You did as told and went back to your room.
She called you in there again.
"Turn the Tv up"
You did so again.
As you were walking back to your room she called you again.
"What?!" You accidentally yelled.
"Who are you yelling at?!"
"You keep calling me and I'm tired"
"I'm the ones who's tired! You've been relaxing all week while I've been in pain"She tried to guilt trip you as usual with her always being in 'pain'.
She swears there's always something wrong. One time she thought she had a brain tumor. Always saying she can't eat this can't eat that.
You think it's a mental thing.
"You don't even know what I did all week" Your throat burned.
"You ungrateful bitch! You're gonna do what I say and when I call you! You come here!"
"When I'm tired it's nothing? But when you're tired the whole world has too know" You spat.
"You're so disrespectful and manipulative just like your damn father! I hate him.." She drank some of her tea as if she didn't just hint that she hated you.You left the room and went to take a shower. Of course the hot water only lasted 8 minutes. You wrapped a towel around you and sat on your bed. You charged your phone and when it came on you checked your social media.
Everyone was posting your best friend being missing and you set your phone back down.
You put your knees to your chest and listened to the sound of your fan.
You were alone again.

Anything for you (Obsessive bf x F reader)
HorrorHe's obsessed with you, that's what you want right? ⚠️ All these characters are mine and therefore not a fan fiction! These are my original work and copy right will not be tolerated ⚠️ Buy the story in my bio!