Mommy Issues

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"Well that's certainly interesting~"

Ty had stood up causing a scene. Eyes began to watch it unfold.
"Why do I have to leave?" Bren joked.
"You're making Ivan and Y/n uncomfortable"
"What are you a child? Ivan doesn't mind" Brens elbow remained resting on Ivan's head.
"Listen buddy, he obviously does and Y/n doesn't like it regardless" Ty said getting angry.
"What do you have? Some kind of hero complex? Or maybe you have a crush on Y/n~" Bren looked at you and you were hiding your face out of embarrassment.

Pretty sure it's a hero complex..

"She's my friend!" Ty yelled, "And I'll do anything for my friend!"

At this point the whole cafeteria was watching. Ivan was no help.

This is so embarrassing..

The bell rung and you had your final class of the day. You bolted out the cafeteria leaving the annoying males behind. When you made it to the classroom you sat by the window.

I'm so glad this day is almost over..

A red headed girl sat beside you. Her hair was obviously dyed and she had piercings that went against dress code. Her uniform was sloppy and had rips in it.
"Geez it's hot as balls in here" She let out loudly. She caught you staring, "Problem?"
"Nothing.." You sighed. You didn't have the energy for this. Your eye twitched as you saw Bren enter the classroom.

I have this class with him?! Since when?!

He came over to your desk.
"Hi Y/n~ I transferred classes and who would've thought you'd be in this one~"

Like hell.. you most definitely knew.

"That was quite some scene at lunch~" The aggravation in your face began to appear.
"Hey fuck off pal" The girl said loudly.
"And who are you?"
"Does that fucking matter? Who the hell are you!? Get outta here before I break your hand" She yelled.
"You dare threaten me?" Bren let out offended but went away when she gave him a glare.
"Thanks.." You told her and she smiled with a thumbs up.
"No problem, people like that piss me off. The names Gina"

The teacher came in and the whole class time you stared out the window. Gina just groaned boredly or threw stuff. Luckily, Bren didn't bother you again.
When the bell rung you were washed with relief.
You made your way out the front double doors and just as you expected, Mire was parked in the front.
Everybody was crowding and talking about his nice car.
"Omg who is he?"
"He's so hot!"
"That car is nice man.."

Mire was leaning on his car annoyed until he saw you.
"Darling~ I missed you!" He waved with a smile.
You waved back and got in his car. You didn't even check the crowds reaction and Mire drove all the way to your house. When he parked you finally wrapped him in a hug.
"I missed you too.." You breathed and he smiled.
"Why'd ya say it so late? Are you ashamed of me?" He pouted.
"No! There were too many people around. It was exhausting.."
"Well it's fixing to get even more exhausting with your mom.."
You groaned loudly and he chuckled.
"Then we can go back to my place~" He whispered in your ear and you got goosebumps.

You and Mire got out the car and when you got to the door you saw suitcases.
"Mom?" You said out loud.
No one was home and the door was locked.
"Did she take all the money?" Mire asked himself, "She was suppose to give half to you.."
"She didn't even say goodbye.. or anything.."
Your heart filled with despair and your throat began to burn. Tears were bound to build up.

So it wasn't in my head? She really didn't love me..

Mire placed his hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes.
"It's okay, you did nothing wrong"
That was enough to make you burst into tears in his arms.


"That never happened" You scowled in the car.
"You cried in my arms~" Mire gawked driving happily. "I could just die, you're so cute~"
"I said shut up! It never happened!" You yelled.
He chuckled and parked in the garage.
"So.. how was school?" Mire scratched his neck while making an attempt to start conversation.
"It was okay.."

Could I even tell Mire what happened?

"How about you? How was school?"
"Don't ask such unimportant things" He scoffed and got out the car.

But.. didn't he just?

Mire took your bags upstairs and you settled in the living room.

*Ding Dong*

The door bell rung and Mire came quickly down the stairs. You looked at him surprised and he returned the expression. You came with him to the front door and he looked out the peephole.
"Shit" He cursed to himself and looked at you. "Okay.."
He took your hand and hid you in a closet nearby. Mire told you to stay quiet and left to answer the door. You looked out a gap in the closet.
When he opened it a tall women with long black hair and fancy clothing walked in.
"Hello mother.."

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