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Here you were.
Sitting in class.
You wouldn't say you were introverted or stuck up, but you just didn't like socializing unless you were interested.
Everyone was either annoying, weird, or just not your type of people.
The only reason you were even friends with your best friend, was because of your childhood, and even she was fake.
You didn't hate school.
It was just boring.

You sighed and looked out the window. It was the middle of the day and all you could hear were whispers mainly about the party.
"Yea she totally got drunk!"
"Omg where's her best friend? I heard she's missing"
"You don't think Y/n got jealous of her boyfriend right?"

Your hair stood on its ends and your blood ran cold.

Just ignore it..

You hated to admit you missed Mires company.

"W-What the?" You jumped when a hand was placed on your shoulder.
"What's up girl!" Ty laughed, "Did I scare you?"
You felt sick.
"Yea a little bit.." You responded cold and quietly.
"Hey what's wrong? Cheer up I'm sure we'll find her soon!" Ty's positive voice irked your nerves.

She's your girlfriend.. why aren't you more worried..

Ty surprised you by touching your neck.
Your voice came out flustered as he tugged your necklace.
"I don't remember it looking like that" He confusedly pulled it closer.
"Ah- well that's because.."
The bell rung and everyone started leaving the class.
"Well it was gold and red so this must be it" He smiled and grabbed his bag.
"I'll see you around Y/n" He waved at you before leaving the classroom.
"Geez.. why's he so positive all the time.."

You grabbed your bag and went off to science class.
It felt like some kind of cliché as you bumped into someone and fell.
"What the hell?!" You let out.
You looked up to the one and only arrogant blonde himself.
"You've got to be kidding me.."
"You look good beneath me~" He let out cockily. You let out a groan and helped yourself up.
"Where are you going~?" Bren pushed you against a locker.
"Fucking hell.. are you serious right now?" You spat.
"You know cussing isn't very lady like~ I don't know how your boy toy puts up with it.."
"If you're so high and mighty, how come you're not going to such a high maintenance school like him?" You smirked and he scoffed.
"That's none of your business"

You pushed him out the way and went to class. You sat in your seat and sighed.

And I have to deal with my mom after school? This is just great..

"Excuse me.."
"What??" You mistakenly let out a little too aggressive.
"I- uh was just wondering if this seat was taken.."
You looked up at the shy male. An annoyed face swept over you.
"O-Oh okay.." He walked away and sat in the very back of the classroom.

The teacher walked in moments later.
"Alright class we're having new seating arrangements!"
The class groaned.
"Alright alright enough of that!"
One by one the teacher placed your fellow classmates in their assigned seats.
In the end you were placed at the back table with the shy boy from before.
"Get used to these seating arrangements! This will be your partner for the rest of the year!"
You covered your face and groaned loudly.
"Looks like we're partners.." He stuck out a hand, "My names Ivan"
You gave him a glare.
"O-Or you can call me whatever you'd like.." He laughed awkwardly putting his hand down.

The class went by painfully slow.
After was lunch and you sat alone. It was by choice of course since you didn't exactly have a friend group.
You would usually pull out your phone to watch Netflix but it was shattered and barely usable.
As you stuck the disgusting food in your mouth, you watched as the boy Ivan wandered around the cafeteria.
You let out a laugh.
He laid eyes on you and sat down at your table with a smile.

"Who said you could sit here?"
His smile faded and his face reddened with an embarrassed smile.
"O-Oh ah- well I thought since were science partners.." He looked up at you as you waited for a response.
"Sorry.. I'll leave"
"I'm joking" You laughed and he quietly joined. "Have some back bone! I don't care if you sit here. Ivan was it?"
"My names Y/n. Sorry I was in a bad mood earlier" You held out a hand and he shook it with a smile.

"Yo Y/n who's this? Can I sit here?" Ty came over lively and sat down.
"His names Ivan, who said you could sit here??"
"Chill out girl, I have bestowed upon you snacks!"
Ty gave you a cheeky smile before pouring delicious snacks on the table.
"Never mind, you can stay.." You grabbed the snacks and they tasted like heaven. Ty wrapped his arm around Ivans shoulders.
"Hey! I'm Ty!"
He started ruffing up Ivan's hair.
"I-I know" He spoke awkwardly.

"Well well.. Y/n this is who you sit with?" Bren came over with his two dummies following.
"What do you want now?" You rolled your eyes.
"Nothing.. just wondering what your boy toy would think if he was here right now~" You gritted your teeth.
"I know this dumb jock.. but who's this insignificant" Bren laughed loudly and placed his elbow on Ivan's head.
"Get off of Ivan" You demanded.
"Ivan? He doesn't mind! Isn't that right my buddy Ivan~" Bren teased pickingly and Ivan looked away.
"I-I don't mind.. really.."
He was obviously lying.
"Get lost Bren" Ty stood up and your eyes widened surprised.
"Well that's certainly interesting~"

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