Lucky for you once you reached class the teacher didn't give you detention for being late and you slid into you're seat quietly. Hawk sitting right next to you. Great.
He would try to talk to you and apologize throughout class but you just ignored him. This was bad, really bad. You took out your phone and texted Moon


Pretty girl Y/n 🖤 : I'm so sorry Moon but something just came up and I won't be able to hangout tonight, there's something I need to do. hope you understand <3

My Moon <3 : awe it's alright Y/n I hope you're okay 😕 be safe girl

Pretty girl Y/n 🖤 : thank you for understanding Moon, love you 💛

My Moon <3 : love you too!

Hawk looked over to you and saw that you were on your phone so he decided to try texting you and apologize again, but you were already texting Robby now.


My girl <3 : Hey robby, I'm at school right now but it's almost over, do you think you can pick me up so we can talk? Something happened. Please don't be mad at me and don't freak out.

Handsome : I'll be there love, are you alright? What happened?

My girl <3 : I'm okay now, don't worry about me :) see you soon xx

----------------------------New message from Hawk🦔 -------------------------------------

Hawk🦔 : listen Y/n, I know your next to me but you're ignoring me so. I wanted to tell you I'm so very sorry for what happened at your locker, I know you have a boyfriend I shouldn't have done that. I've liked you for as long as I can remember and I just couldn't help myself anymore. I hope that you are okay :( it was a mistake and I am truly sorry, I hope you can forgive me. Idon't want to lose my bestfriend Y/n, your all I have left.

Y/n 🦨 : Eli, your apology is accepted and your right, You shouldn't have done that. I don't know how robby is going to react. I hope that this doesn't end badly for us. Your a great person and I want you to know that, please don't be mad at yourself, I know what happens when you're mad. You won't lose me just because you made a mistake you just can't ever do that again, now let's get off our phones yeah? 🖤

The two of you got off your phones and did work for the rest of the class. Not too hard.

The time flew by and It was now the end of the day. robby would be picking you up today and you were scared on how he would react to what happened. Scared that he'd break up with you. Scared that you'll be all alone again. You hurried to pack your bag and almost ran out the school. Robby was waiting in his car a few feet away, you opened the passenger side and threw your backpack in the back. The two of you sat in silence for a couple minutes. Him waiting for you to speak first. Tears began to form in your eyes as you looked over at robby, you loved him so much and didn't want things to end badly with him.

"Waoh woah, hey Y/n, listen to me" Robby grabbed both your hands and looked you dead in the eye " Whatever it is you need to talk about, say it. I promise you everything will be okay" he leaned in and kissed your forehead.

"I don't want you to breakup with me Robby, please don't break up with me. I love you too much"

"I love you so much Y/n, I won't break up with you baby, I would never hurt you like that" Robby tried his very best to calm you. You took a shaky breath before nodding your head.

"at school earlier today, I made plans with Moon to hangout while at my locker, and when I got off my phone from texting her Hawk was standing there at my locker, I asked him if he wanted to walk to class together but instead he- he kissed me robby. I didnt even know he was going to do that, I'm so stupid. But I promise you I didn't kiss him back please please believe me, I'm scared robby, please don't leave me"

the reaction on Robbys face was not good from what you could tell, his jaw was clenched and he had his fists in a ball by his side. His face blank, filled with no emotions at all.

"Damn it Y/n!" Robby punched the steering wheel " He is in the wrong right now! Stop saying I'm going to leave you! I put all the trust I had left into you, and if you say you didn't kiss back I believe you! I can't accuse you of something you say you didn't do! I'm not like that Y/n, I'm not like that...." Robby looks down at his lap, disappointed in himself for raising his voice. Even though in his past he was let down so much and had so little trust, he knew that you were telling the truth. He believed you. He could see it in you're eyes and hear it in your voice. You truly did love him.

"Robby you are so strong for putting your trust into me, even if it's just a little of it. You deserve only the best and I'm so sorry I thought you were going to leave me, leave me like everyone else did. But you're not like that. You never were like that. Your always going to be my handsome boy because your special to me Robby Keene. Thank you for believing me baby. Gosh What did i ever do to deserve such an amazing person like you??" You sniffle and smile looking him in the eyes. This has byfar been the most emotional part of your relationship, other then when the two of you fight.

"Gosh I love you so much darling, c'mere" it took alot for Robby to say the L word, but with you it was natural. The love you two had for eachother was unbreakable, despite your issues.

You waste no time in throwing you're arms around him as he held you close and stroked you're hair. It was a little uncomfortable hugging in the car but neither of you cared. The two of you stayed like that for awhile.

"What do you say we get out of here princess? We can order food and cuddle while watching our favorite show" he smiles as you nod your head perfously. He chuckles and starts the car driving the two of you out of the school parking lot and down the road.


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