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Hello, everyone! Before proceeding to the other chapter, please read this.

Nico's Mad Love was written way back in December 2021, and there are things with which the author no longer agrees with what was written about some of the characters opinions and such.

There are scenes that may be sensitive and may tackle sensitive topics such as sexual assault, abortion, depictions of torture, and suicide.

This story is not perfect, and neither are my characters. If you're a perfectionist or very sensitive to what has been mentioned above, please, do not add this story to your library or you are free to leave or remove it from your library and not read it. No one's forcing you to read it.

This book was written out of the blue by the author during Odette's time. In other words, unplanned and aware that the story plot is common and cliche.

You may notice some typographical and grammatical errors because this story is unedited.

The author is not fantasizing about or fetishizing sexual assault, abortion, depictions of torture, and suicide.

I know that it's not something to be proud of to write such a plot, but I just want you to know that this is all fiction.

In fiction, the author can create any story she or he wishes to write based on her or his imagination. 

Please, refrain from talking badly about my characters, especially the male lead. I understand your frustrations, but Wattpad automatically reports your comment when it's vulgar or doesn't have any asterisks. So, as early as now, I'm warning you about your comments.

Be mindful, be responsible, and please don't blame me if it's reported after you drop some vulgar words, because believe me. I'm not the one who's doing it.

That's all, thank you!

— chowsow

NICO'S MAD LOVE [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now