Vol. 1: Chapter 1.4 - Against the System

Start from the beginning

"Sensei, may I ask another question?"

At this point, the whole class was simply watching a conversation between me and Chabashira-sensei. While they can think of valid questions to ask, they can't quite formulate them at the same speed that I do. For example, there was a male student seated on the chair labeled "Yukimura", who certainly looked ready to ask a question, yet he backs out at the last minute.

"Sure, go ahead." There it is again. Chabashira-sensei's semi-sinister smile.

"What's the point of all this?" I asked a question that even my classmates didn't quite understand.

Audible 'huh?'s and 'what?'s can be heard all over the room.

"Finally. Alright, you slowpokes. For those who couldn't understand Ayanokouji-kun's question, I'll lay it all down for you. Firstly, what's the point of class points and private points apart from being your monthly allowance? And lastly, what's the point of competing with other classes through special exams?" Chabashira-sensei's smile widened as she uttered her next set of explanations. "You've noticed that the four classes are labeled as Class A, B, C, and D, right? Well, that's not just for appearances' sake. Class A is the most promising class, filled with the most excellent set of students that have entered the school this year. They are followed by Class B, C, and of course, you guys, Class D. It's just like the system you'd find in major cram schools."

When they thought everything started making sense, Chabashira-sensei's new revelations shattered their minds once more.

"Do you understand? In other words, you guys are the lowest of the low, the last bastion of failures- a bunch of 'defects'. Oh, don't be surprised now. Class D students have been referred to using that word for a while now." Chabashira-sensei waved her hand as if to tell us to not mind what she just said.

Yukimura, who was been listening silently, stood up in anger.

"What do you mean, Sensei?! Are you saying that I... we... are all defects and failures?!" Yukimura reproached.

"That's how the school judged and sorted you upon entry. Of course, you can be promoted and replace a higher class should you surpass them in terms of class points." Chabashira-sensei repeated her point.

Yukimura sat back down, but he absolutely looked like he wanted to say more. Of course, he wasn't satisfied with Chabashira-sensei's answer. Based on his appearance alone, he looked like some who studies really hard. Well, that's a bit of a disrespectful assumption on my part. Just because he has glasses doesn't mean he's studious. It's just that it's the impression that his appearance and attitude gave me.

I looked at Horikita to probe if she was planning to ask a question about this revelation, and to my surprise, she turned to look at me around the same time I did. I nodded, prompting her to be the one to ask a question. I'm not sure if we're thinking of the same one, but I figured that I'd give her the chance to ask. She was considerate enough to check up on me, after all.

"Sensei, may I ask you a question?" Horikita raised her hand.

"Go ahead," replied Chabashira-sensei.

"This school boasts the highest rates of advancement in the whole country. Does that mean that as long we overtake Class C, we can guarantee our future?" asked Horikita.

So we were thinking of the same question, after all.

Hearing those words seemed like a wake-up call for most of my classmates. After all, getting accepted into a good college or directly into the workforce had been their main purpose for enrolling here.

"Nothing comes easy in this world, Horikita-san. If you want to achieve your so-called bright future, your only option is to overtake Class A. This school guarantees nothing for other students." Chabashira-sensei coldly answered.

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