"Sooyoung unnie and Jimin unnie have what?" Irene's eyes are getting big due to nervousness. 

"Sooyoung unnie has a boyfriend. I heard this while three of them were playing. I heard that Crush oppa and Sungjae oppa were saying that one of them has to be unnie's boyfriend. While Nana unnie was speaking to someone on her phone, I heard her say 'my girlfriend' while she was speaking to someone on her phone." Yeri stated.

Irene was too stunned to speak.

Before she could say anything, Seulgi went out of the bathroom and quickly got Yeri's attention.

"Good morning." Seulgi sleepily greets the energetic little girl.

"Dada can I ask you something? I asked mommy but instead of answering, she asked me many questions too." Yeri pouts.

Seulgi picks up her daughter before she lays down in bed. She holds her for a few seconds before saying anything.

"I'm still sleepy and a little bit dizzy. Your question can wait, right? Can I answer that later?" Seulgi whines like a kid to her daughter.

The speechless Irene, earlier, is now watching the adorable duo whining and pouting at each other.

Yeri keeps whining because she really wants an answer, but Seulgi is now back to sleeping, so in the end, she's sulking.

"Understand dada's situation, baby. She's tired and sleepy as you can see. She slept late last night, so she needs to rest more." Irene explains softly to her sulking daughter.

"Okay. But will you agree if I have that boyfriend or girlfriend?" Yeri once again asked her mother.

Irene didn't know what she was going to say, so she just nodded to not ruin the little girl's mood, with a sigh.

"Jiminie has a girlfriend?" Irene mumbles.

Irene doesn't worry that much about Sooyoung's having a boyfriend or such. She's sure that it's just a part of their roleplay or so.

She keeps thinking about it when Yeri told her. She knew her daughter, the little girl never once made a story, yet told everything she heard. She may be talkative, but everything that comes out of her mouth is true. That's how honest Yeri is.

She was deeply thinking about it when her phone suddenly rang and showed Winter's name. She picks it up and sits at the edge of the bed.

After 10 minutes of talking with her sister, she feels someone's hand sneaking up to her belly and gently caressing it. She definitely knows who's the owner of that hand. After some time, the call ended and she looked at that person.

"I thought you were dizzy." Irene stood up, but she was pulled by Seulgi. The latter is tightly hugging her and snuggling on to her.

"Hmm, thankfully you're here..." Seulgi sniffs Irene's neck.

What an early flirting!
(hayst! sanaol may jowa.)

"Yah! It's so early. The kids might barge in here anytime!" Irene trying to free herself from Seulgi.

"No they're not!" Seulgi snuggles more.

They stayed in that position for awhile, with Seulgi back hugging her wife and Irene staring at their linked hands.

She misses her wife so much.

Almost a week without Seulgi was like torture for her. 

Of course, she was angry at the latter, but that wasn't enough to break the love she had for her.

"Seul, are you sleeping?"

"I'm awake. I just don't want to open my eyes, because if I do, I may be dazzled by your beauty." 

"Cheesy!" Irene blushed at the unexpected punchline. She playfully slaps Seulgi's arm that is resting on her waist.

"Nah, I'm just appreciating how ethereal the love of my life is." Seulgi sincerely said.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Irene changed the topic.


"You know, I love you to the extent that I don't know. I will always choose you... and only you." Irene faced her wife as she caressed her reddened cheek.

"I love you too... and thank you." Seulgi responded.

"If ever you fall out of love, please don't break up with me or file for a divorce. If someday you find someone that you think is better than me, please don't leave me for her. Just let me be the one using your last name and let me have the title of being your wife. I can and I will forgive you if you cheat on me again and again. I will still welcome you with open arms. Please? Just please don't break up with me if someday it happens. So that I can make you fall in love with me again. So that I can be your girl again. So that your heart will be mine again... can you promise me that?" Irene says it with all her heart.

Seulgi suddenly opened her eyes when she heard what her wife had said.

She knows it's difficult and painful for Irene when she knows that she has kissed another girl, but she still forgave her and acts like nothing happened.

She felt awful and disgusted with herself. She regretted what she did before, resulting in hurting the woman she loved the most in this entire world.

Irene may look cool and okay on the outside, but she's the opposite on the inside. 

Seulgi really hates herself now for making the woman of her dreams into her worst nightmare.

"I don't want to promise you that." Seulgi said that made Irene look at her as if she were broken.

"Okay..." Irene whispers.

"I want to promise you that, I will love you forever. It sounds corny, but I will do it. No one is better than you because you're the best for me. Hey, I will not break up with you! I will not let another man or woman own you. Only me is allowed. I know what I did is still hurting you... I want to deeply apologize for hurting you, love. Let me prove to you that it was just a mistake and I regret doing that. You're the best and most of everything I can mention. I love you so much. I will not do anything that tends to hurt you, I promise you, and I will prove it to you." Seulgi lovely expresses.

That's the cue for Irene to burst out crying. Seulgi quickly comforts her as she frequently says sweet words. She also told some lame jokes that made her wife laugh too.

"You dumb bear!" Irene pushes laughing Seulgi.

"At least I made you smile hahahaha." Seulgi boast herself.

As she says that, Irene starts to cry again, as if she's the same age as Sooyoung and Yerim.

"Yaaaahhhh..." Irene whines.

"Why are you crying again?" Seulgi was confused.


"What happened to Yeri?"

"Yeri told me... our Jiminie has a girlfriend!" Irene spilled.

"WHAAATT?!" Seulgi shockedly asked.

first update in 2022! hope u like it.

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