"Your ex."

"No. It's not that."

"Then what?"

"Are we really going for the details on the phone or you're going here?" I asked.

"On my way."

"Okay. See you."

"Okay." She said before ending the phone call.

I was silently eating my meal when I remembered Yeji saying that if someone came into our place, we should tell each other.

So I texted her.



My friend is going here


Okay. You're not going to work?


Took a day off




Not feeling really well


Lol I thought you have high tolerance with alcohol


I have


As if

Anyway, drink your meds


Okay. Thanks for the meal btw


Yeji didn't reply to my last message and I also finished eating my meal after a while.

So I cleaned up the table and washed the dishes.

Until I heard a knock from outside.

It must be Chaeryeong.

I hurriedly went to the door to open it and welcomed Chaeryeong.

"Come in." I told her.

She was kinda conscious when she entered my place, as if she's checking if someone is in here.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Where's your roommate?"

"She's at work."

I guided her inside and pointed the sofa in the living room where she can sit.

Living room.

Wow. The memories from last night once again flashed on my mind.

Ugh. What have I done?

"I'll just get us some drinks." I told Chaeryeong.

I opened the refrigerator and pulled two juice in a can that we can drink.

"Did you eat?" I asked Chaeryeong and sat down beside her.

"Yeah." Chaeryeong simply answered and accepted the drink I offered.

"You don't have a date today?"

"Lia's out with a friend too." She replied. "So how's living with the roommate? What's her name?"

"Yeji." I said.



"Familiar. It feels like I've heard that name before."

Can't Get Out | RyejiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora